Title: As Wisdom Grows (3/3)
Characters/Pairing: Kurt/Mike, Mr. and Mrs. Chang, Burt Hummel, Glee club, Mr. Schue, Miss Pilsbury
Rating: R for swearing and references to rape.
Word Count: 7,107 for this part, 22,000 in total
Summary: Mike gets raped. Kurt just tries to help him through it.
Warnings: There are references to rape.
Notes: For the
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So. Yeah, whew, practically three million edits later and I suppose it was worth it. As for Mike's self-blaming...yeah, he still has a long way to go towards recovering, even if he doesn't realize/want to acknowledge it.
And really, I know this is probably getting repetitive, but really. Thank you, so much, your feedback is so appreciated that I'm like. Lost for words and other touchy feely things that I can't even comprehend because this story was long and ridiculous and emotionally over the top and just, thanks. You still read it anyway. *pretty much aimed at everyone who read this and commented and even the silent readers as well*
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