May 21, 2006 23:48
Well I'm home for the summer from grenada. Finished the semester going strong and I GOT A B IN BIOCHEM i can't believe it. I've been home for about a week. I've gone on a job interview, 2 doctors appointments, ridden 30 hours on the ambulance, two birthday parties, 2 days of work, one day of "judi-ness", and of course hanging out with the fam. Well tomorrow i am going to get my eyes checked to see if i can have lasix surgery. and the worst/best part is tomorrow i start south beach. this summer i am going to get my act together. how can one trust a doctor who isn't healthy? well now i'm going to bed cause i have to get up very very damn early and it's cold in here. wish me luck with this new endeavor
peace out