quanzi_z pointed out when I wrote my long entry about how all I wanted to do in life was write, I rarely post any of my real writing here. It's mostly rants, snipits, or this Poetry in Motion thing I've been doing recently. This is for a lot of reasons. One, I tend to be a little self-conscious about my writing and two, I haven't written much recently.
One of the many things I wanted to do when I came to Scotland was write. I felt that somehow this country with its rich history of literature and poetry would be the perfect place for me to pick up where I'd left off. However, I was also assuming at that point that I would be wallowing in loneliness--which is when I write best, truthfully. Unfortunately, I have a girlfriend! One that I actually like! And I'm actually *gasp* pretty happy about all this!
This throws a major wrench into my writing.
Another wrench is the fact that I forgot all of the writing I'd finished, begun, or jotted down ideas about back in Texas. I've therefore decided that I need to start something completely new and different.
I ask you, my dear, few readers (that means you, QZ!), to tell me what to write. I have several ideas, but it's really up to you. I mostly write fiction with some sort of fantastic element. The ideas are as follows:
1.) An ancient curse and the cursed.
2.) A how-to guide on escaping death.
3.) A disappearing road map.
4.) A monster with a stolen soul.
Of course, it is completely unnecessary to adhere to any of these ideas. Throw out your own or choose one of the above. Elabourate. Have fun. Tell me a faerie tale. Give me a moral. Whatever you want, but for heaven's sake, give me something here!