YAY! I LOVE SNOW! I always have so much fun playing in it!
I went to Roanoke tonight to watch the boys Basketball game...they kicked butt by the way! :) Then Andrea, Justin, and I went to Grant's house and had a movie night. We watched Extreme Days...good movie by the way. Then after before I left Grant and I kinda played in the snow a bit. I definitely want to play in the snow the real way tomorrow!
Game tomorrow is here. You should all come and watch. We play Princeville I believe and the JV starts at 1:00. I have shoot around at 9:00-9:30 though.
Since I do have to get up...I should go to bed. I'm getting a little sleepy.
Good night everyone and I am telling you all to go out and enjoy the snow tomorrow! IT'S FUN AND YOU'LL THANK ME SOMEDAY! LOL!