copy cat crimes 4 - seven deadly sins

Aug 06, 2004 18:45

The Seven Deadly Sins...


Who did you last get angry with?: dustin
What is your weapon of choice?: im smarter than he is lol
Would you hit a member of the opposite sex?: ofcourse why not
How about of the same sex?:i've been oh so tempted but theyre always fatter than afraid *whimpers*
Who was the last person who got really angry at you?: dustin
What is your pet peeve?: weed / repetition / driving stupid
Do you keep grudges, or can you let them go easily?: I keep grudges - its healthy to have someone you hate - or a few people lol


What is one thing you're to do daily that you haven't done in while.: sometimes i skimp on brushing my hair.. if it doesnt look messy then i dont bother lol
What is the latest you've ever woken up?: i think i woke up at about 4pm once upon a time - not the day after my prom afterparty - but the day after thaaaaaaat - bcos i hadn't slept since the arvo of the prom hehe
Name a person you've been meaning to contact, but haven't.: Vivienne
What is the last lame excuse you made?: probably 'you do it to!' lol like that makes it ok huh?
Have you ever watched an infomercial all the way through?: sometimes they're really interesting... you could get a whole set of steak knives for only 3 payments of $79 and once you paid that off you'd get another set ABSOLUTELY FREE, and they have alife time guarentee.....BARGAIN
When was the last time you got a good workout in?: hehehe kelly and work out dont go together - ive never had a 'work out' unless you count which case would have been 3 years ago lol - omg im lazy
How many times did you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock today?: im so lazy i dont even bother to own an alarm clock hehehe


What is your overpriced yuppie beverage of choice?:mmm frappes, or sorbet, or hold on beverage - poison - but thats not over priced its only $6.....well i spose they could b cheaper.......poison [=
Meat eaters: white meat or dark meat?: breast meat lol
What is the greatest amount of alcohol you've had in one sitting?: oh deary moi...there are 3 different occasions on which i do not know the winner as i cant remember the most of it lol..either 2 botles of passion pop a udl and a glass of straight vodka that was ment to be water at ryans party in yr uhmm 9? nope 10...orrrr gawsh knows how many glasses of the apparently non alcoholic punch, 2 of matt's giant tequilla shots, and then countless numbers of OP RUM and Tequilla shots at duzzys in yr 11.....ORRRRRRR oh gawd this was in yr 7 oh so long ago i cant remember how much i drank i just know it involved KBG's, lemon ruskis and beer.. eek.
Have you ever used a professional diet company?: technically i have...mum was on diet pills with jenny craig while she was pregnant with me lol
Do you have an issue with your weight?: Yesh - bugger off anyone who says BUT KELLY YOUR SO SKINNY... gawd u ppl make me sick hahaha
Do you prefer sweets, salty foods, or spicy foods?: sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeets ARE YOU KIDDING ME? sweets shld win with everyone hehe


How many people have you seen naked (not counting movies/family)?: i can honestly only think of the one right now...but i dont mind he's speshal hehe
How many people have seen YOU naked (not counting physicians/family)?: one...i hope! lol
Have you : Yes, I have. Thankyou for asking. <-- what the fuck?
What is your favorite body part on a person of your gender of choice?: weeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllll i luv to LOOK at eyes, i love to KISS the neck, i love to HUG just around the waist, i love to FEEL all the back n the bum hehe and i luv to SMELL all around the neck n jaw line where he rubs the aftershave in hehe
Have you ever been propositioned by a prostitute?: i dont believe any of them were prostitutes...............hehehe no
Have you ever had to get tested for an STD or pregnancy?: eek...ive done ONE pregnancy test - just the one.......all was clear its ok lol


How many credit cards do you own: none - good on me ----- not that theyd give me one lol
What's your guilty pleasure store?: the chocolate factory hehehe
If you had $1 million, what would you do with it?: buy moi n duzzy a nice house, and buy moi n duzzy a nice car each, spilt the rest in half, save one half and divide the rest between family and friends.
Would you rather be rich, or famous?: well i was gunna say dont they come hand in hand but there are some ppl that are famous bcos they killed a whole lotta ppl n theyre not rich so i'll just go with rich lol
Would you accept a boring job if it meant you would make megabucks?: im working at hungry jacks for peanuts..ofcourse id accept a boring job if i made megabucks lol
How many MP3s are on your hard drive?: i can not b bothered counting but no where near as many as sarah or dave lol
Have you ever stolen anything?: a tennis ball, and uhg boots accidentally - before big w had those beeper things, i had them slung over my arm carrying em and forgot to put em thru on the check out and they mustn't have noticed so i just walked on out with em not knowing til i got outside hehehe


What one thing have you done that you're most proud of?: i did not go out with tristan bradley HOOOOOOOOORAY and i dumped LUKE NUGENT 3 out of 3 times lol YIPEEEEEEE, BUT MY MOST FAVOURITE was kissing duzzy for the first time just hours after my boyfriend at the time had cheated on moi right next to me.
What thing would you like to accomplish in your life?: having a happy stable relationship and owning a house togetherrr
Do you get annoyed by coming in second place?: well the only thing im coming second place in is the competition for duzzys attention lol and it annoys me when im 2nd place yesh......but anything else id prolly like to get the runner up prize hehe
Have you entered a contest of skill, knowing you were of much higher skill?: i once competed in the 10yr olds relay at the swimming carnival instead of the 11yr olds just to see if i could beat fiona hart...and i did w00t lol
Have you ever cheated on something to get a higher score?: only those silly quiz's in girlfriend magazines so i didnt get matched with leonardo lol


What item (or person) of your friends would you most want to have for you?:i would llluuuuuuuuuvvv kate's easter baskets lol
Who would you want to go on "Trading Spaces" with?: whats that? uhm, trev butler lol
If you could be anyone else in the world, who would you be?: trev butler hehehe
Have you ever been cheated on?: by every guy i've ever dated bar Brock Massey
Have you ever wished you had a physical feature different from your own?: i want huge boobies haha...nah im ok for now i'll whine when im 30
Finally, what is your favorite deadly sin?: i think gluttony was the yummy ice cream lol


What religion do you follow?: none or the other
What religion were you raised as?: my dads a self confessed athiest much to the disgrace of his catholic family lol, and my mum used to dip her hand in holy water and go AHHH IM MELTING MEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLTING lol
Do you believe forgiveness is a religious property, or a human property?: its relgious when ppl forgive only bcos they feel they have to bcos of their religon truly 100% forgive someone honestly is a human property tho
Do you believe in magic?: thats a song...on...uhmm.....LOSER
What was the last promise you broke?: I told duzzy that i'd never white lie to him again.....that was kinda lil white lie in itself lol
Have you ever said the words to a prayer and not meant it?: yeah we had to sing lil prayers in primary all the time..... bleh
Do you believe that anyone could be perfect?: those ppl that are perfect...are hated bcos of technically they arent perfect bcos they cant get ppl to like em cos they are sooooo perfect......some one who is truly perfect wuold b perfect and have friends as well lol


Did you get everything you wanted over the last holiday season?: when was the last holiday season? easter? i dont think i even got chocolate for easter lol
Regarding your future, what is the best thing you could hope for?: for moi n duzzy to live happily ever after in a house that we own hehe
Do you let yourself get your hopes up for something?: Yep.
Ever bought a lottery ticket? If so, how close did you come to winning?: i win $2 now n then.....some times i get 3 matching pairs.. but arhhg lol
Do you gamble? If so, what game or activity?: i buy scratchies n play the pokies when i go out pub crawling hehe
Have you ever called something off for bad weather, but then did it?: i never have anything to call off lol, and rain etc is great weather so i wouldnt call it off ne way lol


What causes do you support?: jeans for genes
What causes have you given money or time to?: jeans for genes and world vision
Have you ever worked in a soup kitchen or done another kind of outreach?: haha we went to the old ppls homes n painted the old ladies nails n things in yr 8 it was nice
Would you ever consider joining the Peace Corps or Amnesty International?:i wouldnt join em bcos i wouldnt want to go over seas into those kind of situations but id fund them if i had the mulla
Do you give money to the homeless on the street?: only buskers lol
Have you ever helped out a friend with basic needs, like rent or food?: i gave friends food at school when they forgot there lunches......and paddy n col never seemed to bring food n always wanted a 'taste' of mine.. so id give them somethin now n then to lol
What's the greatest extent you've gone to help a friend in need?: uhmmm...i bought amy a pair of socks? lol...i dropped em home when they were drunk.. well mum did but i arranged it all lol...uhmm..i had a big d&m with ppl i feel really uncomfortable talking to cos i know theyve got probs and theyd only trust moi to talk to lol - ud have to know the story with that one


What are you most afraid of?: rejection, unfaithful or unloyal ppl, dieing alone, "living a lie" all the other sorta cliche's u can think of that fit here lol
Who is your favorite superhero, and why?: marvin the martian...keeps the earthlings on there toes so we're safe hehehe
Would you put your life in danger to rescue someone?: i think i would unintentionally do that but if i had the chance to sit and think about whether i should run infront of that car as well .. i dunno if i would lol
If you were to face the Wizard, you want more courage, brains, or heart?: id say smart enuff to know that i care too much to do somethings that i probably should do but dont have enuff courage to lol
Have you ever gotten stage fright?: in a way.....belinda lake tripped up the stairs infront of the entire school at an assembly once, and altho i was pissing myself laughin.....i was only two ppl away from going up there myself n i was afraid of doin the same thing lol
Do you consider yourself to be a leader or a follower?: a quiet achiever hehe


Have you ever been summoned for jury duty?: im on the list until july 2005..but as yet have not been summond
If they reinstituted the draft (for both genders), would you go?: im pleeding insanity lol - oh wait i wouldnt have to - im not fit enuff lol
Do you support capital punishment?: for murders and rapists that have either pleeded guilty or have been proven 100% to b guilty... id hate to think someone was given the death penalty and find out 5 yrs later they found the real killer
What should be guaranteed legal?: variations on the marriage gay or lesbian or trans gender etc...
Do you believe that Dubya is rightfully President of the USA?: what? lol
What was your favorite media circus trial?: what again? there was this one thing in the news paper where a hippo accidentally swallowed a midget because the midget was supposed to just stand in the hippos mouth but the hippo gagged n swallowed the poor guy lol
Have you ever written a letter to a politician?: nopes but sarahs dad wrote the speaches for bob car or one of those kind of guys and i gave him suggestions on what to write "mr johny howard, pluck ur eyebrows"


What do you have the hardest time moderating yourself on?: food
Do you collect anything?: gecko stuff...used to collect stamps
Are you addicted to anything?: chocoalte hehe
Have you ever put anything on layaway or used an installment plan?: lots of video camera...lotsa stuff for the house
What's your preferred method of paying for things?: Cash.
Tell us one thing you wish you hadn't let yourself do:: date a few certain ur not one of those ppl duzzy i luv u hehe
Do you feel that you obsess over things?: Yesh...cant help it lol thowwie


Who is the wisest person you know?: miriam hehehe
Have you ever participated in a vigil?: what? ill get back to u
Do you take advice when it's given?: if i agree with it
What area are you wisest in?: arguements? lol
Do you drive defensively?: i dont drive.. dont wanna either lol
Have you ever had unprotected sex outside of marriage? Would you ever?: no......i have a weird thing with this..i dont want kids and i dont wanan get married...but id i did have kids id want to b married to the guy before i got pregnant lol
What did you learn today?: nothing yet..still for atleast 7 hours to go tho
And of course, what is your favorite heavenly virtue?: chocolate hehehe
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