I've been abandoned and am therefore incredibly bored. Thought it might be nice to let some of you know that I, like Great Caesar's Ghost, still live. I had initially planned on making a nice big "Ferris Certified Mostly Quality Uber Large Rampaging Randomized Rant Post" about various political, ideological, sociological and other-random-eological things that vex/anger/irritate/delight/please/etc me, but as usual, those plans are most likely going to fall through. I already feel like 97% of the ideas I've accumulated in the past month or so have slipped through the rusty steel trap of my mind. But hey... let's see how far we can get tonight.
Topic #1: Vehicular Demise Of The Nameless Black Car.
So yeah. My car has continued down the path of vehicular suicide. I dont know if I've already laid it down in an earlier post, but a while back the intake seals popped and began to spew anti-freeze when I hit 1200 RPMs. Well, $1000 that was fixed. Then the brakes were fuxx0red because of a sensor. $350 that was fixed too. Then my fuel pump shit the bed. $425 generally fixes problems like that. Now I have a SES light on that I'm dreading. So anyhow... The Nameless One suffice to say is very far on its way out, despite me still owing $7K on it. **Random Thought: Perhaps the reason why I've had so many problems with this car is the fact that I never named it, unlike The Thunder Chicken & Denty...** This is a problem. Grand AM GTs are practically worthless thanks to the fact that they aren't made anymore. Furthermore, mine has 73,000 miles and a fist sized dent left by a Subaru Legacy in the rear drivers 1/4. So, ironically, I've made my decision on what I want for my next vehicle.
That's right. A Subaru WRX Sportwagon. 227 HP turboed I4? AWD? Sweet styling? 27MPG? What's not to love!?! And yes, I know it just doesnt seem like "my style"... but trust me. I'd make a mean wagon out of it. A very mean wagon. And we all know how much I love station wagons. The only major problem with getting a Rex is that a) SWs are nigh-impossible to find, especially blue/black manuals, and b) WRXs are ass expensive. So far the cheapest I've found is a silver with 120K miles on it for $9K O.o Thats alotta dough for an high mile Scooby. Suffice to say I may end up offering the guy like $4K for it, and if he doesn't like it, well then too fucking bad.
And now to prove that I'm horrible at transitional statements: On to Topic 2.
Well actually it's more like "Mini-Topic" time. Went to see "The Corpse Bride" last night with someone. I wasn't expecting it to be too great, as I'm not a fan of Johnny Depp -excepting PotC-, but it surprised me. The cinematics were moderate (I'm not a huge fan of claymation/CG/etc movies either, except Shrek & Shrek II) but held the dark and gloomy theme perfectly. The voice acting was superb. The writing was incredibly witty and I LOL-ed several times. Danny Elfman hits another home run with the soundtrack. I personally liked the one eyed skeleton singer, "Mr. Bonejangles". Aw fuck, that's it, this Mini Topic is becoming an official topic.
Topic #2: Entertainment
So let's see. Some recent movies I've seen (other than the Corpse Bride)... Well let me start off by saying that "Charlie & The Chocolate Factory" stank like chocolate factory (for anyone who couldn't see where I was going with this, I meant it stank like ass. And you're stupid). I think it was perhaps one of the most eye-gougingly horrendous movies I've seen in years. That and "The Seed Of Chucky". God-fucking-awful. These two movies might even have sucked as bad as "Napoleon Dynamite" -which if it had anything to do with Napoleon going Palestine on himself and the rest of the cast of fucking losers in that movie, would've been infinately better-.
As for GOOD movies, I'd say Hitchhiker's Guide wasn't too horrible. Not great though. Batman Beyond was pretty damn good. And Star Wars Episode III was damn good -excluding all the corny lovey-dovey crap. I mean cannibal baby zombie Christ, who the fuck wrote those lines!?! "I'm so beautiful because I'm so in love"??? UGH-, even though the incredibly cool General Grievous died wayyyy too easily. Other than that, I cant think of anything else good. Wow.
As far as anime/tv shows go, I've found a new love. CSI. I'm starting to believe that there might be a God (besides me). And that God would have to be Gil Grissom. WIth the exception of Catherine Willows, the entire CSI team is great. The acting is pure UNF, the writing is UNF^2, and the cinematics are UNF^Infinity. The Doc and Brass are fucking awesome too, and they're only second stringers. By the way, I'd like to take this time to say "Fuck CSI Miami" for trying to ruin the name of CSI by being pure shit
Anime wise, Bleach is going strong, but the episode 50 filler was extremely sub-par... though it was nice to see what Kon was up to, and Jinta/Karin/Ururu always equal pure fun. Not a big fan of Don Kanonji though. Too screechy and well... gay. But I digress. I'm really starting to like Renji. Not knowing what'll happen in the future, as I only read the domestic release manga, all I can hope is that he wont die. I AM rather disappointed that Ichigo didnt actually kill Kenpachi though. Total sissy cop out on Tite Kubo's part. As for Gundam SEED Destiny... well... what can be said for it? The Gundam designs have been awesome (particularly Saviour -which got fuxxed unfortunately-, Legend, and the Hyaku-Shiki retcon Akatsuki), I still like Shinn even though he's becoming wayyy too much of a follower and he's lost his killer appeal. Kira still sucks, and Freedom now sucks too. Seeing Shinn rough him up was fun. Athrun pussed out, and killed himself in my eyes. The man that makes the impossible possible Mwu La Fllaga finally comes back for real, which was a good thing IMO. Rey going Rau nutso is nice, especially since he pilots the Providence throwback 666 Legend. Wonder what'll happen in the final ep, which is due out next week.
Topic #3: I Completely Skipped The Transition! Let's Talk About Work!
Work has been Hell lately. Things just never seem to pull together in my department. I'm getting so tired of dealing with all the people and their high school arguement bullshit. I'm so tired of not making gross. I'm so tired of "missed sales opportunities" and "do you have any backup for the cake case?" and I'm so tired of having NO help. This past week has been a real eye opener though. Kenny & Christina (my panner and backup) have both been on vacation. So, it's just been Matt, Diana, & myself. All week we've done fairly well. Except Friday.
Friday, my parents and grandfather stopped in. Dad and Pop basically told me the department looked like shit. Ouch. Before that, I was written up for something unrelated. Ouch. Then Donna (my specialist) came in to check up on me. she was not happy. Ouch yet again. So, for the second time this past week, I pulled a 13 hour day. Saturday, Donna came back and was pleased with the department. Good. Now I've kinda realized that when Matt, Diana, and I pulled it together and tried our damndest, we suceeded. When I learn how to do inventory next Monday, I will have reached the point where Christina becomes completely disposable to me. And I will be very happy. Because then she'll realize that there's great potential for her to be transferred and/or suspended/fired at my leisure. Mwuaha.
Anyhow... something else mildly work related. Tonight at dinner I was forced to sit by a large group of preppy little college kids. I unwillingly had to listen to their overly obnoxious and loud conversation about school. And I came to the realization that these people are fucking scum. Not a Bjolamus damned one of them could survive a day working in a real department in a grocery store, yet they look down on us grocery workers and other retail workers, like we're bugs beneath them. I have to say, I totally detest people that think they're better than me or others because they have a better education. I respect a person that works fucking hard for their money. I respect a person that breaks a sweat working, rather than the person that sits at their desk doing paperwork and claiming that's "real work". Furthermore, I'd like to debunk this myth that some people have about college being "work". It's fucking SCHOOL. Most of you go there for 4 or 5 fucking hours a day. Work... real jobs... are 8-12 hour a day ordeals. So you say "homework" is part of it? Homework is something that CHILDREN do on a nightly basis, and despite the increase in difficulty, it's the same idea; You sit at a table at home and read a damn book and write stuff out. This is not work. I challenge these people to break down 5 pallets of frozen grocery and then have the balls to call college "work".
I wish I could move somewhere that a man could be respected for doing their job, for working hard. I'm afraid though, that the world has changed to the point where no one respects people for working. We live in a world now where certain "people" can run around robbing people, shooting people, peddling drugs, collecting a welfare check, and raping women and then be rewarded for it because they "sang" (if you could call it that) about it and become fucking millionaires -after which they still do the same things, minus maybe "collecting a welfare check" and are allowed to get away with it because of who they are). We live in a world where people can illegally enter the country and begin to collect welfare checks while they sit on their asses not even attempting to look for jobs while their squat little wives spit out babies twice a year.
I'm sorry, but this fucking pisses me off. Well, actually NO, I'm NOT sorry. This is how I feel. No one respects people that work hard. And that if fucked up.
Topic #4: Politics & More Problems
Am I the only person disgusted by the situation that went on and is going on down in New Orleans? Is it not totally horrifying that these people were running around looting and raping and killing and we have to pay for their city to be rebuilt? Is it not horrific that their corrupt mayor and his fellow D-cronies were out there not even a day after claiming it was "ALL BUSH'S FAULT!"? Am I the only one to notice how fucking retarded it is to blame a FUCKING STORM on a SINGLE MAN??? Am I the one person who does not feel like paying for the assorted scum from the most corrupt city & state in the country to line their pockets and give them free homes... FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE??? This comes back to what I was talking about before. I work hard for my money. If my home burnt down, would the government pay to feed me, give me a new home, and if need be set me up with a new job? NO. And why then, should I, you, WE have to pay for others to do the same?
Furthermore, am I the only person that thinks that Cindy Sheehan (or however the hell you spell it) should be locked up as a "non uniformed enemy combatant"? While she runs around here, demoralizing our troops and shitting all over her sons' honor and his memory our enemies look on and laugh. I wonder how the troops in Iraq feel when they get their news from overseas and read headlines like "THOUSANDS FLOCK TO SHEEHAN'S CAUSE" and "SHEEHAN: IRAQ IS ARABIC FOR VIETNAM". Ugh.
Then there's the whole "anti-war" thing in of itself. It's BULLSHIT. Anti-war would lead you to believe "anti-violence" too, right? WRONG! Apparently if your opinion differs and you go against their utopian ideals and say, oh, actually support the war, you're fair game for violence. Like the 81 year old woman whose face they bashed into a brick wall repeatedly in the name of "World Peace" because she was wearing a "I Voted For Bush, And I Support The War" shirt. Real fucking peaceful, I'll tell ya.
Well now... I think I've probably pissed off alot of people. In fact, thinking about, and writing all of this has substantially pissed me off again (as is evidence by the degradation of my writing abilities around the beginning/middle of Topic 3, up to the end of Topic 4). So I'm going to call it quits for now.
Until next time.