The past two weeks: Both of them I've had two days off. And starting this coming Sunday is my first week of vacation. Then Monday is my 21st birthday. Yay oh yay. I bet none of you bastards got me anything. Meh. Moving along, you'd figure I'd accomplish something with these multitudes of days off. Well I did. First, I did something I havent done in about a year: I remodeled my LJ and made a new icon to go with it. This one's based around Bleach. The icon is Kisuke Urahara, and he's perhaps one of the greatest characters ever. But that's beyond the point. Check out the new layout ( for all you lazy asses out there. Give me your opinions. IE users'll get more out of than my fellow FireFox users, as FireFox doesnt seem to like CSS much, and therefore doesnt display 90% of the CSS effects such as the scroll bar and link glow. Ah well. With the rest of my days, I cleaned my hell hole of a room, and went through all my old paperwork, trashing alot of it that I didnt need anymore.
Anyhow, I'm pretty certain that Amanda is taking me to get a tattoo that I cant afford for my B-Day. Neat. Havent decided yet if I want my iron cross or the Cobra/Decepticon logo. Maybe I'll get one now and then another later. We'll see.
Having a credit card is dangerous. EBay has dragged me in. Currently I'm bidding on:
-15 GB iPod
-Portable DVD Player
-Argus 5.0MP Digital Camera
-Buslink 80GB External HDD
-ATI Radeon X700 Video Card
-Olympus 3.2MP Digi Cam
-US Military WWII Mortar Shell
-German Military WWII Mortar Shell
Those are the things I'm winning. Here's the ones I'm not (T-T):
-Bleach Ichigo Wallscroll
-iPod 10 GB
-iPod 10 GB
-iPod 15 GB
-iPod 30 GB
-Portable DVD Player
-ATI Radeon X700 VC
-Sony PS2 (I know I have one, just want one to dump off on Gamestop for a few extra $$$)
-Microsoft XBox (it's huge!)
-Western Digital 200GB External HDD
-Maxtor 300GB One Touch External HDD (3 of them)
-Western Digital 120GB External HDD
And things I've actually WON recently?:
-Transformers Decepticon Watch (fucking awesome)
-La Pucelle Tactics PS2
-LOTR Ringwraith Repro Sword
-Iron Cross Imperial German Flag (WWI)
-Original 13 Star American Flag
-1/100 Buster Gundam Model
-A bunch of crappy DVDs for my aunt
Like I said... that credit card really IS dangerous. Luckily it's EBay and I get outbid 90% of the time.
Anyhow... I'm pretty much through with Heather. I made my attempt. I tried the whole SAD gift thing with the roses and the candy. That shit didnt work. Her best reason for not wanting to go out with me? Shes hung up over some Dante fag and "women are retarded". Well I could've fucking told you, her, and myself that. That's fucking common sense right there. It all comes down to this: She's fucking lying. She doesnt want me because I'm not the fucking eye candy she's after. Her fucking loss.
Another one who's fucking losing out is Melissa. I gave her another chance and she led me on a bit, then basically said "HAHA, FUCK YOU, NO." I'll tell you... I was and am so fucking tempted to just break down and make the call or the IM or the LJ comment to Nicole or Mike about what she did. REALLY tempted. But whatever. She had her fucking chance(s) too. And now there will be no more. EVER. She's in the "junk" pile now.
Speaking of the "junk" pile, I had this horrendous dream about -of all people- Melinda the other night. Well, actually I guess you could call it more of a nightmare, considering in it we were still together and were being incredibly loving towards each other. Well, atleast we dont have to worry about my dreams being based in reality, huh?
Another one who I've had on my mind alot is Chrissy. Once again I find myself regretting things I did years ago. If only I hadnt fucked that up... If only I hadnt tossed her aside because of someone else's deceit. But its past the time for regrets now. Now it's time to move on. And thats what I'll be doing.
With the exception of Amanda, I'm cleaning my hands of all my exes and various other assorted riff-raff that I have no interest in ever socializing with again. I went through my LJ "friends" list and looked at who had me listed as their friend but that I didnt have friended back, and saw that there were several unsavories there. So I politely asked them to unfriend me. And hopefully they will. I'm really not in the mood to fight with them. Right now atleast.
Back to Amanda. I seriously dont understand what the fuck is going on there. She loves me, but she doesnt. We can fuck around, but we cant be together. She's with some asshole named Scott, but she doesnt see him very often, and she'll come over here just about every day and do stuff with me. I've confronted her numerous times about this already. Why cant she just fucking say "hey, ok, I was wrong, lets get back together" and thats that? I mean I've managed to hide most of what she broke up with me for. *rolls eyes* *sigh* Ah well. Things'll be figured out soon enough, I'm sure.
Other than this random bitching about women, I really dont have much to say tonight. I'm too tired for politics, dont have anything new for any sort of anime/manga/music reviews. I haven't had a whole helluva lotta fun lately and havent hung out with anyone recently, so there's no news on that front either. Maybe over my vaycay I'll hang with Bosus. We'll see.
With that, I'm OTFDFTN.