Oct 02, 1994 22:32
well this weekend i have to watch the new wallace and gromit movie that is coming out. This friday. i also have to play soccer, and i have a class so i'm thinking the movie will be late, around 10. so anyone who wants to go around that time to see it should come with us. i think it will be roger , myself, dan iski cole and mariam. that's if we all have money. we also all have to see the corpse's bride. not at all normal for me to go the the theatre twice in a weekend.
also, the gvsu girls said they were moving out possibly monday! this is crazy, and so when my mom heard she went kind of crazy. but now they say they are going to look at the house monday. that's kind of leaning into the month of october without paying rent.. so we'll have to talk about this. if they move out before the weekend, that will be nice for inviting anyone who wants to come over. plenty of rooms!
also i have to hunt for a halloween costume, since my idea of doing the goat theme was flatly rejected by everyone in the car tonight! god, i didn't expect such hostile reactions.