oh i'm really hungry right now, but today was ok. I got all of the projects that were due this week done, so that's a relief. this morning i found out amanda post is leaving to go to wayne state, to get a library science degree. I knew it would come some day, and i just feel odd. there's a girl i was strangely attracted to but never felt at ease with.
also, here's an interesting link on a possible second bhudda.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/4479240.stm there's something you don't hear about every day.
Also, as i was walking to the grpl parking lot at 9 p.m. from school, a little fox darted across the road, right in front of me, and i followed it up the hill towards michigan street. It was a little sad because it was a very young fox, and it would have to cross a lot of roads before it got into the wild again, so i was worried. as i was running after it i thought about if i'd have to get an animal rescue thing going if it got hit.