Being frugal isn't always spending the least amount of cash, it's about spending your cash wisely, and on what you want to spend it on.
Along that lines, sometimes the best thing we can do for our frugal lives is spend a lot now, so we can reap a lot of benefits and/or save a lot later.
So: what pricy but frugal things would you recommend?
some of TBQ's behind the cut tag )
Comments 40
Buying energy-saving appliances, like front loading washing machines that use much less water. For that matter, it's almost always more energy efficient to buy a new refrigerator instead of accepting a used one as a hand me down, since older refrigerators in particular use a lot of electricity.
The same goes for other "convenience" items. The cheaper route moneywise may cost you in time and labor and you have to think about if those are things you want to expend.
Good quality shoes and other clothes that take a beating. Sure, I could get my clothes more cheaply, but I'd have to replace them far more frequently, which is more expensive in the long haul.
Energy-saving appliances, especially when they're items that will last twenty or thirty years.
Also, having one of those (usually free) services come in to show you where your house isn't as energy efficient as it could be. It isn't always cheap to put in insulation and so forth in areas that need it, but long-term energy savings make it worth it. Also, it's better for the environment.
Items that make me smile, like artwork. I'm happier when there are pictures on the walls and pretty objects around me. I could put the money other places, sure, but being happier every time I walk by a painting I love is certainly worth the expense. Don't underestimate how much liking your environment can lift your spirits.
Yes! We replaced the windows in our 100 year old home a couple of years after moving in, and had insulation blown into the walls and attic space. Although at the time it was a major expense, in the long run we save money on heating and cooling bills and, like you said, better for the environment.
I've decided it's my reward for getting back into college after a four year hiatus.
I need a pen porn icon. :D
In season, we spend a little more to get high-quality fresh fruit at the very nice grocery store, because the taste benefit outweighs the price difference. Rather than having a lot mealy, unsatisfying peaches, we have a few fat, ripe, sweet peaches in smaller quantities.
Good cookware, like a good purse, will also save money. It lasts longer and cooks better.
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