I found this out by accident. Sadly my own hair is not yet long enough for me to be able to do this, but if you have long hair that you're going to get cut, as in 10 inches or more that's going to be cut off, you can not only donate it to
Locks of Love but apparently there are
salons that will give you a free and/or discounted haircut if you go to
Read more... )
"A little math using information from LoL's own website and the BBB:
LoL receives about 2000 donations per week, by mail.
That's 104,000 per year.
Let's say that only half of that is usable for wigs.(Or use another fraction, if you desire.)
That's 52,000 per year.
It takes 6-10 ponytails to make a wig.
Ok, let's say each one takes 10.
That's potentially 5200 wigs per year.
Now, in fiscal year 2002, how many wigs did LoL provide?
That's a lot of donated hair not going directly to an ill child. I hope this will be of use for anyone who is feeling pressured to cut their hair for such an emotional cause."
The BBB report shows that in addition to making these 113 hair pieces, they repaired 22 more and made 39 synthetic hair pieces. It also shows that they made over $150,000 from the hair *sales*.
The offers of reduced price haircuts for donors are genuine, so if that is your primary motivation, then fair enough. However, I do think that anyone considering donating should do so with full information about the end result before they make their choice.
It's something of a hot button, so I apologise if I've been a little emphatic here.
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