Mar 26, 2005 07:44
Mmmmmmm..... Yesterday, I went to see the ring two with Dani, it was dumb and not scary at all .... Thennn we painted for a couple hours. Went for a walk. Listened to music, got ready. Went to Chelsey's it was pretty fun. Dani came back to my house with me and we watched Billboard Dad! yeah thats it .........
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ANd justin, no no no. How can you think her comment was intelligent? It was pig-headed, bossy, and had a hard time getting the weak (wrong) point across.
there is never a "wrong" point. <
#2) My comment was neither stupid nor immature, so idk why you would say that i'm trying to make myself look smater and more mature. Where do you even get that from anyway?
Numero tres = where are you getting that "there is no "wrong" point." from? It has absolutely nothing to do with this, at all.
Numert vier = Believe me, I have plenty of facts and events to prove it. I just don't have the drive to type all of it.
I have a feeling that comment above was more out of a pissed-off illogical mood, and not actually you talking as yourslef, so just cool down a bit.
#2) yes you do try to look smarter and more mature. that is who you are. we can all see that.
Numero tres = you said that they had a wrong point in your previous comment. and there is never a wrong point. you just dont like others opinions if it is not the same to yours
Numert vier = if you have plenty of facts to prove then write it. if not then dont comment at all. its that simple
i have a feeling that comment above was more of a pissded-off illogical mook, and you need to cool down a bit.
^ same as you said. take some of your own damn advice.
If I am ALWAYS trying to look smarter and more mature than I too would like some proof of me ALWAYS trying to look smarter. And being is an always thing, so don't argue that.
I was saying wrong in the way that Danielle's point did nothing for her argument, therefore being wrong. I was not saying the point itslef was wrong, merely that it was not needed or helping.
I don' feel like posting the facts, it's that simple. If you know danielle, then you wouldn't need me to, becasue it is an almost constant state of her being.
I was not so pissed when I wrote trhat as you may have been thinking. Perhaps becasue your logic is flawed and you seem to be reading into my comments too much, and then using twisted logic to try and use something in there to use it agaisnt me. I think that your point is not to prove me wrong, but merely to piss me off. Your not displaying your intelligence, your displaying your sadistic nature.
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