in media res: i would like to mention briefly that Martha has ditched the Pineapple!hair and looks very awesome.
Also, what is this? (It also appears in the Martha-TARDIS-flashback scene.)
Little boy from Love Actually!
I have to say, this Martha seems a lot more independent and boisterous, even. And she's honed her instincts.
Why do aliens always do the head-tilty thing? (Or, actors' decisions; it works, but....)
The bike-TARDIS scene was really lovely, especially the bike music with that teeny tiny misstep as Martha steps into the cabin.
"Hello....Talking to a machine."
"Right, okay. No, hold on, completely lost!"
OMG SCARECROWS. Trauma for the actors, yes. (Although the little girl getting kidnapped was pretty hilarious, especially with the music. Someone needs to make a meme: "I'M IN UR ROADS, STEALIN UR GIRLZ")
"Can you actually dance?" "Um, I'm not certain." Callback, yes? I think Jessica Stevenson did an amazing job in her role as Matron/Nurse/Joan. I'm glad there weren't traces of Daisy (whom I love but would be severely out of place in this episode), and that the Doctor's love interest wasn't Hollywood-style pretty.
Other caps:
The super-pretty caps:
In conclusion, this is, imho, one of (if not the) best episodes of series 3; everything felt planned out and there weren't problems with pacing or anvils. It was also prettier (see above) and the music was awesome (the music has been really good this series).
Hm, other questions:
- The DNA overwriter: they came up with it/remembered it specifically for this episode, right? Because why didn't he use it on Lazlow to make him not a pigman and have long life? (Granted, the terminal thing got sort of worked around.) On rewatch, it seems like it might only work on the Doctor or might take a lot of energy?
- Does the clock transfer the essence to whomever is holding it or will it go straight back into the Doctor? Because the Family didn't smell any Timelord on human!Doctor but they didn't seem to notice the boy (Jenkins?), so where is that stuff going? Are both going to receive Timelord essence and this is where the "You are not alone" (which was one of the first things the clock said to the boy) message comes into play? (Do the weird flashbacks/flashforwards mean that the Jenkins is going to be a Timelord?)