Sep 27, 2012 11:50
Physics: interesting
Physics Research: boring
I'm leaving this program in January.
In fact, I'm going to do whatever I want from now on. I'm going to learn the things I want from websites and MIT opencourseware and books and I'm going to stop subscribing to the measures of success and intelligence other people have set before me. I'm done jumping the hurdles that others before me have just to prove that I can.
Being smart is supposed to mean that you're good at whatever you do, and so you can pick whatever thing is fun. I'm not having fun now, but I can think of lots of things that would be fun. So I'll just do those. And be good at them. And then someone will pay me for them. It doesn't have to be much: I make a pittance now and am satisfied.
It's exciting to have no plans and lots of potential.