CalU practices and other SCA stuffs

Sep 02, 2011 18:30

This is the first week of rapier and rattan practices at CalU. Rapier is still Thurs from 7-9pm and rattan is now Wed, also from 7-9pm. I couldn't make Wed this week but went Thurs and there were maybe 35-40 people in all. 4 White Scarves were there along with a number of marshals and marshals in training. There were a lot of new people.
Hopefully the new people got a little information out of the good stuff tselmende gave them during drills. Following that, people did some single combat/1-on-1 work, some line melees, and then a few more 1-on-1 fights with whoever would still step out there. It seemed like a pretty good practice, and I'm glad I went to help out.

Next week I'm going to try to make either Wed or Thurs, but time will tell. There are a number of SCA events coming up quickly that I plan to make, and I need to find time to do things like clean the house/garage.

sca, fencing

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