Guess there's not much point to updating this anymore cuz pretty much everyone who reads it fucking hates me... with good reason... I just can't believe I was stupid enough to ruin all those years of friendship over one fucking night... and one fucking person... God if I could go back I would have just not gone over there, cuz if I don't have
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Take the last advice I'm giving you and move on with your life. Don't think about it anymore. Don't think about him. Move on. Get on with your life. You aren't helping anyone by dwelling on it and ruining your life over it. It was one weekend. Deal with it.
It's the way of life. You make mistakes--you learn from them--you move on. if you sit and dwell on every little fucking thing in this world, you'll never survive.
I'm sorry this all had to happen. I didn't like losing someone I thought was my friend and my boyfriend who I am head over heels about.. but that's the way it happened. I'm sorry he doesn't feel the same way about you as you do him. I'm sorry I invited you over that night. My list can go on and on for what I'm sorry about, but I know I can't do anything to change that. Neither can you. Accept it. You have to.. simple as that. Move on from this whole incident. You'll feel a lot better when you do.
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