Nov 03, 2005 22:35
I have a good feeling.
Whether or not it is decieving is not my concern. I'm gonna ride this like a slut rides a mechanical bull: as long as I can and having a hell of a time doing it, too. I feel on top of the world, which is a good place to be, even though Ms Ellege informed me my grade, after I turned in work I was absent for, settled at 69. Not fair. But she has an essay to grrade for our class and I always do well on those. I may pass all my classes.
Sure, I may not havea girlfriend, but at this point it's just cuz I can't find anyone I want to be with. It's weird. I crush on so many girls, but either never talk to them, or talk myself down from it. I talk myself down for two reasons:
1. I tell myself they deserve better
2. I tell myself they aren't interested
And damn, I'm good at convincing myself. Now, as Murphy's law would have it, I'm sure there's a girl close to me who would give anything to be with me, and I would be happy as a result, but wouldn't ya know it? I have no clue who that could be. Or if it's true. And, unfortunately, If I care.
Life is funny.
I'm gonna try to make some money off my art now. The first step is to try my hand at the whole Bandmerch/DeviantArt co-op. Maybe I might get recognized and make 200-500 dollars. Maybe I won't. But I tried, dammit.
I want to write a song. I jsut can't bring myself to do it.
Why do I want to be everyone's friend when I just wind up hurting someone or hating someone in the process? Or for that matter, when I know it's not possible?
But I still have a good feeling. And that's what matters.
Mitch and Shane-- I wish I could have you guys feel the same way I do right now. You'd absolutely love it.
Later guys-