Jan 04, 2009 15:22

That's 'nuff said already, but I think I'm gonna keep going a little bit longer, shall I? ;)

WARNING: The following text contains spoilers to both the books and the movie. If you don't want to know, don't read. Easy.

So, Twilight. I started on the first book I think in September, read it in total of 8 days (a record for me) and was hooked. I haven't been this keen on a book series since... well, since ever. I mean, I liked Harry Potter, at least the 3 books that did read (which btw were Chamber of Secrets, Half-Blood Prince and the Deadly Hallows) were all great, but I don't know... I just didn't feel the way I feel when I'm reading Twilight.

I'm currently reading Eclipse, which I got as a Christmas present from my mom. I'm loving it so far, I think I'm in chapter 11 right now, so you guys better not spoil it for me. >;) I kinda hated Jacob in Twilight, 'cause I was really into Edward (like most readers are), and I didn't like Jacob because I felt that he was trying to break Bella and Edward up. But in New Moon, when Edward leaves Bella and she starts to spend all her time with Jake, I found a new side of him. But I still sorta disliked him because it was he was trying to get Bella now that Edward was gone, along with the competition. And in the beginning of Eclipse, when Edward, like, pulls out a part of Bella's engine to stop her from seeing Jacob, I was like "I hate Edward". So, yeah, my opinions have changed a lot over the books. Now I'm kind of in a balance between the two, because Edward has finally accepted Jacob (well, not really, but at least they're polite to each other), and Jacob's starting to forgive Bella about what happened in the end of New Moon.

Now, to the movie. I saw in on Friday (two days ago) with one of my friends, who I think loved the movie as much as I did. I think they did a good job translating the book to screen, although some "mistakes" that I noticed were kind of annoying. For example, when Bella first time sees the Cullens, they're sitting in their table in the cafeteria, rather than in the movie, where she sees them walking past a window and asks Jessica "Who're they?". I suppose it is a bit more dramatic, with the slow motion and all, but couldn't they just try to be true to the book?

I loved the scene where Bella and Jacob meet each other for the first time, and Jacob's all like "We used to make mud pies together". :D It's just so funny and sweet. And when Bella hits Jacob's leg with the car door, gosh. That was the first time I laughed during the movie. ^.^

The hospital scene, where Carlisle walks into the room and we see him for the first time, was amazing, not to mention pure hotness. I don't care if he's like 35 and has a wife and kids, Peter Facinelli is hot. :9 Loved him through out the movie.

Oh, another thing about the cafeteria scene. I liked how Jessica described the Cullens, from Rosalie and Emmett being a thing and it not being legal, Alice described as "really weird", Jasper looking like he's in pain all the time to Edward's comment "absolutely gorgeous, obviously". Which is true. :)

The first kiss. Even though I knew what was gonna happen, I still felt surprised when Edward threw himself against the wall. It was pretty awkward, and quite scary, but when Edward lay next to Bella when she slept was really sweet. :)

The baseball scene. Oh. My. GOD! It was just so perfect. Everything about it; the music, the slow motion parts, the actors' movements, the cool lines (i.e "My Monkey Man", "Nice Kitty"), everything. But I do have to say my favourite part was when Jasper like spinned the bat in his hand, combined with the slow motion and the music that moment was just so cool. And he looked so sexy doing it. ;P I also liked the way Alice pitched; when her leg went up before she threw the ball, that was cool. ;)

The Nomads arrived. I loved that they showed everyone's eyes when the conversation was going. And the line that never gets old; "You brought a snack". Ah, you gotta love James, right? I was a little sad when they killed him, I sorta liked him, the coolest villain I've seen for a good while. Despite the ponytail. ;b

Those were my favorite parts of the movie, but overall I really liked the whole thing. Was it worth the wait?


One thing I really liked on the soundtrack of the movie, was the infamous Bella's Lullaby. It's really a beautiful piece of music, one that I think I will listen to a lot this year. Everytime I listen to it, I feel like I have to write something on it. I think I will, maybe tomorrow. In the mean time, listen to it. I know you'll love it. I think.

If you haven't seen the movie yet, go watch it. And if you have seen it, what did you think of it?

movies, books, twilight

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