Dec 01, 2003 15:49
um.. don't have too much to say..
i spent today -my day off- sleeping. just crawled out of bed. but if Gendou asks, i woke up at 10, and took a nap at 2.. otherwise he'd be pissed off..
blech. anyways, better news; FFX 2 is getting better. i'm at the beginning of Chapter 3 (out of 5) and it's starting to get better. finally lol. i'm stuck at the stupid, evil, retarded Sphere Break Tournament. i'd skip it, but i really want the dress sphere you get if you win.
this game has potential to be good.. if you're good with numbers and a quick thinker. see, i'm one hella quick thinker, but i suck major ass with numbers.
lol so, in the end, this game isn't too much fun for me. kind of fun. but just a little x.x;; and i've realized, thinking about Yuna in both games.. she's really, um.. developed. as a character i mean. those of you who played X would remember how, i dunno, immature i guess she was. about everything. and how most Summoners have only 2 guardians, she ended up with like, what 6? something like that.. anyways.. she's still a goody-goody, but i just think she's grown up a bit. she takes some of her problems on her own a little more.
and considering that FFX 2 is a narrative story, (just like X was, only in X it was Tidus doing the telling, now it's Yuna) it's actually pretty good. mind.. it just takes a while for the game to actually get into if you're going through, trying to get 100% completion that is. otherwise, i'm sure you'd be smack in the middle of the story a decent amount of time if you just followed the hotspots and raced through the chapters..
i mean, did you know you could be done with Ch. 1 in like, an hour or two? seriously.. this game can be really short. blech. i dislike short games lol. i think i'm somewhere around 18 hours, level 30, and at the very beginning of Ch. 3, with 43% completion i think. not bad, not bad..
well.. i s'ppose that's all i haveta say 'bout FFX 2 for now.. x.x;; i guess i should go downstairs.. political reasons. lol. so i don't get in trouble for staying up here all day.. x.x; ugh.. at least once that's over (assuming i don't get "volunteered" to help with some "projects".. i'll be able to come right back up and keep on playing FF.. hopefully...)