Turkey day is in just over a week.
before that, however, I have a paper due (Monday) a paper topic statement due (tomorrow), and two annotated bibliographies due (next Tues). On top of all that, i'm also planning on completing a decent resumé over the break. Kinda time to start the job hunt, dontcha think?
Niki & I went to NYC this past weekend, stayed with Rene, hung out with Anne Taylor and Jen Milne. IT's great to see people out of the college/high school environment, and it's exciting to see what sorts of things they're doing with their lives. Jen's Graduate Program at the NYU Journalism school sounds fascinating - just
read her entry on the police ridealong program.
Another reason for being excited about coming home. I get to see the kitties - and I haven't seen them in eight months now. Last time i was home it was spring break, back in mid-March. I was celebrating my first anniversary as a legal drinker back then.
Today I'm looking forward to breaking the 24-year old threshold as I fit into that ignominious "Unmarried male age 21-24" category on my driver's insurance rating. I get a healthy discount for being in zero not-at-fault accidents in the previous three years.
Still, the approximately 110.00 I pay is no cup of tea, especially when I hear of people paying sixty dollars or so a month. Perhaps I should get married... or just wait a couple years until I'm an unmarried 25 year-old. Either way, I'm in no rush.
I've got a humidifier up and running in the bedroom, and boy does it make a difference. I've been waking each morning with what feels like glue stuck to the back of my throat. It's truly pleasant, let me tell you. Over the course of the first couple hours of the day, I'll hack up gobs of green phlegm. I know you were all desperate for the visual; you can thank me know for providing it so graciously. Anyhow, Niki thinks it means I'm sick, I'm pretty sure it just means that winter is here and the air is pathetically dry.
Next time you're in NYC, be sure to eat a meal at Via Brasil at 34 West 46th Street. It's only a couple blocks away from Times Square, and is fabulously good. Of course, it doesn't trump the Brazilian food we'll be cooking up come thanksgiving day - a special Rodrigues specialty. We'll have enough food to go around, so the offer does stand, if you can make your lazy assed way down to Miami.
It's certainly past my bed time.
Beijos e abraços,