Aug 11, 2005 20:07
13 days, and i'm out of here. i'll be moving into my new home for the next 4 years. i'm going to college!! and i'm excited, neverous, and ready. it's just like kindergarden..."when i got my first book bag (it was in july)i put it on and walked up the street. my dad asked where i was going.. and i told him i was going to school. he laughed and told me that school didn't start yet"... i was only 5 then. and i was ready to go. some kids were kicking, screaming, and crying their first day of school. not me, i stood there with my back pack ready to go. education isn't a bad thing for all those people who put it down. just think how bad off you honestly would be with out it. Alex Arp (jon's best friend from kent) called me today. and told me that the "crew" misses me and is excited about me coming to kent and that we have to hang out. ya, it's nice that i already have a friend basis up there... "the crew", stephan, and seth. but i want to go out and meet alot of people. i want to see the world outside of my shelterd house hold. and here is my chance. and i'm gonna take with all my optomistic views. to all the "graduates" best of luck where ever you are headed... school, work, a year off. just don't become a stay home bum and steal money off your parents for the rest of your lives... to the kids still in high school. enjoy it, high school is some of the best years of you lives. and don't get caught up in drama... honestly, how many people do u really think you're gonna see after they graduate? and life isn't as hard as you make it or think. and i'll be here, on the other end of the wire for you. best of luck to all as our days come to and end in the freedom summer