Hey! Yeah, I'm new... and none of you probably know me... but I hope you will want to get to know me! First off, I would like to thank Jess
blitzen1232 for telling me about LiveJournal and Jeff's friend Nicci
badassbeamer for hooking me up with a code so I could start this beast. Anyways.
I enjoy many things such as cheerleading, volleyball, traveling, and just all around having fun. You should check my journal's main page for all my interests/hobbies ;).
Well, I really don't have much to say now except that I had a good time shopping tonight with one of my sisters (Hazel) and my friend Halle. Yay for Christmas! I still have so many presents to buy for people is horrible. I'm usually more on top of my game than this!
Well, I guess I'll be heading out for now, but don't worry, I'll be back. Anyways. I'll catch you all latuh!
P.S. ~ I will hopefully be getting a user pic of myself up soon.