Thank Goodness

Mar 09, 2003 01:02

It felt sooooooo good to talk. i got so much i wanted to say out. it is nice to know that i am not the only one who thinks what i think either. not that i really had any doubts but at least it was put into a good single sentence. hey maybe we may have bonded a lil today. or at least we got something we can talk about and know we feel the same. i definitly have a weight off my shoulders though. kinda sucks though. bryon thinks im gay cause he talked to jessica and she gave him an intterogation on why i dont have sex with her or let her take blowjobs even. cant a guy just say no. no means no. if hot gurls or even semi hot gurls wanted some jack like she does i would be s stud and a half. i feel like a big brested gurl in a bar whenever im home. it aint gonna happen for cryin out loud. how long will this persist. i beat zelda 3 today. now i just gotta finish 2 and then get to the x box. i still gotta beat morrowind. but mostly i still need a jobi just gotta go back to logans soon and claim it. so im going to that concert on st patricks day. i dont even really like the band but its something to do. and i can always just hit on some chicks there. try and just meet some trendy teeniebopper lol. it kinda sucks though cause i only said i would go since a few other people were going. and i was going to se if it couldnt be like a good old times reunion with a lil bit of hidden friendship twisted into it. but no one could get tickets or had to work so now im gonna go with nick and ryan and my lil sister. at least im of age to drink though and i know those kids will want me to buy for them too. so there will be some surcharges goin on for sure. so tommarow i am gonna paint up a storm and do some made drawing. i cant beleive how good my shit is turning out to be now. i wish i was a lil more like my sister and was bored n drawed all the time when i was younger. i would have been this good a long time ago. but anyway thats all that is going on. chillin like a villin. gotta start makin money. but i got a new spot for more investment opportunities. not to mention the obvious that are coimng up in the next few months. but today was nice. last night was real fuckin cool. and tonightwas sweet. so tommarow i hope for a good day. maybe mike wil come over.
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