Jan 02, 2009 15:08
Ready Now
Desperation Band
You come like you promised you would
I want to surrender for good
I know that i need you
And i dont want to keep living life alone
So take my heart
And make it new
make it true
And make it like you
Take my hands
I lift them high
They're yours not mine to do
Do what you will
Do what you will
Do what you will
I feel like a blind man in you sight
I know that im wicked in your eyes
So wash me and make me shine like the sun
I want to tell everyone
that Youre the only one
Im ready now
Im ready now
Im ready now
Do what you will
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! hehe anyways! so i just came back from the C4C vancouver winter conference and i had SUCH a blast!!! in terms of almost everything...i am SO blessed to have gone for this! i learnt so much and i'm even more aware of God's power over my life right now :)
so basically we were gone for about 5 days, gathering with almost 300 students from all over western canada at the westin bayshore hotel in downtown vancouver :) it was a really nice classy hotel and the atmosphere was really conducive to learning and meeting new people from other campuses. it was so encouraging to see so many others who were just as passionate for God and seeking His will for their lives...and were willing to travel as long as 33hrs on the bus to get there! not that you have to travel far to demostrate your love for God, but it just shows how determined these students were :)
anyways. the sessions that we had were really awesome and the speakers were great. one of the key points of this conference really drived home to me, and it was that missions and reaching out to non-believes was really the responsibility of ALL Christians. as one of the quotes that we were given said, " Christians need to be converted to missions just as much as non-Christians need to be converted to Christ". and i realized that i need to mobilize my Christian friends to carry out this command that God has given us because its just as much our responsbility to spread the gospel to our friends as the missionaries living overseas. in this sense, i learnt that joining the workforce, which i had always considered secular, especially in the business world where so much emphasis is placed on materialistic things, was actually a mission in itself. going into the workforce as a missionary in the workplace is also a decision to give your life to God if there's where He wants to place you. another quote that we got was this: "missional living is not about location, but about lordship and lifestyle". it's us saying "Yes God, i'll go there because that's where You want me to reach out to my canadian collegues who havent come to know you yet" and not joining it just because i have to earn a living or get the title of a CA to earn big bucks or whatever. i guess in a way because of my negative reaction towards becoming an accountant in the first place, saying "yes" to God in this sense does require obedience on my part. that is, if that's what He wants me to do.
another thing that i feel was hitting me hard too was that there is so much more that i need to know about God. if i want the things of God's heart to become things of my own heart (re: break my heart for what breaks Yours) and things that He loves becomes things that i love, i need to know Him enough to know the things that He loves. everytime i think i'm close to God, He tells me that i can get closer, just because you can never get close enough to God. its kinda like the tokyo trains during rush hour...just when you think that thats the max amount of people you can fit in onto the train, you get 10 more people squishing themselves in. u gotta not be satisfied with what you have in terms of your relationship with God and seriously keep desiring more. and i want to love the things that He loves, i want to follow Him so close so that i can be just like Him, i want Him to be proud of me when i go back to heaven and i want Him to say to me just as He said to Jesus, "This is My beloved son, in whom I am well pleased". i want this to be my goal in life, and give Him the pen to the book of my life.
lastly (well not really, just my last point for today...theres alot more that i learnt!) i learnt, or should i say, got reminded once again of the power of prayer. because God listens and He'll work when you pray. often times i say i'll pray for somebody, but how committed am i to that
in actually setting aside a time daily to pray? i really appreciate how my parents would pray twice a day everyday, once in the morning right after they get up and once right before they go to bed, no matter how tired they are. and i want to make this commitment too, especially now that it's the new year. i want to set aside a time to pray daily. i could start small, 10-15mins a day and then keep going. i also decided that i'll fast once a week or so and pray during that time because i'm the accountability partner of a friend who's doing that, and i think one of the best ways to keep her accountable is to actually do it with her...coz then we can pray together as well.
haha in some ways this became somewhat like my resolution of the year. but as my friend said, it might be better to call it "requests" of the year, in asking God to fulfill these things in my life this year. so here they are:
1. consistency in my prayer life
2. consistency in doing my devotions
3. growing much more closer to God so that everything that He loves, i'll love
4. sowing as many seeds into my non-Christian friends as possible
5. mobilizing and challenging my Christian friends to help fulfill the Great Commission
6. patience in relationships
thanks God and please pour out Your blessings over me and everyone surrounding me this year :)
LOVE YA!!! ♥
new year,