{ 31 }

Nov 02, 2007 17:12

[ For an hour now she had been wandering throughout the City, taking in everything with a faint smile. It had been a couple of months in her timeline so there were slight changes in her appearances, one being her hair having grown a few inches. But she was still the same ice apparition that was last seen in the City over a week ago.

Pausing by the fountain, she sat down on the edge to gaze down at it before turning her sight up the sky. With a hand held up into the air she coaxed a passing bird down to rest on her offered hand as a perch. Yukina laughed as it rubbed its head against her cheek, chirping. ]

So I've returned to the City, haven't I, little bird?

[ Her tone soft and light, she stroked the feathers with her finger. It was strange for her to have returned but for the moment, she was not sad or upset by it. The friends she had made and had not been able to say good-bye to before... ]

I hope... everyone is all right.

[ooc; The koorime has returned.]

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