(no subject)

Mar 28, 2009 16:58

Hey. Long time no post. And it's not exactly a cheerful post. I was supposed to be going to my Dad's mate's 30th tonight, and, because it's got a dress code (no jeans or trainers) and because I live in my jeans and fake converse- even at parties- I bought myself a skirt from New Look last night. It fitted so i took the tags off and got rid of the receipt. It's actually quitepretty for a skirt. It's a black miniskirt with flarey-out bits every now and again. Got up for work this morning, and found out that my Dad was going to Asda, and if he couldn't find anything to wear for the party there, we weren't going. So of course I had a little rant at work about how, if we weren't going, I would've forked out £16 ( yeah, that's a lot for me- 2nd most expensive thing I've ever bought. I'm a cheapskate :] ) on a skirt that I proably wouldn't wear. (btw, mini-rant: I'm working at the 'other shop' for the next few weeks, so I've gotta get up at 6:30! On a SATURDAY!) Got home (  15 mins later cos Ben came in and bought a butty 1 minute before we closed- probably just to wind me up >:[ ) and found out that my Dad hadn't found *anything* to wear tonight, cos it was "too expensive", but he'd come home with a Wii fit! Ignoring the fact that he owes me nearly £100 ( £50 towards 'his' computer, and a DWM subscription that was supposed to be my Christmas present), if he hadn't *bought* the wii fit in the first place, then he probably could've afforded whatever he found in Asda!
 Ok, rant over :) Instead of going to the party, I'll put the skirt on, and tha top I made to go with it (Rose's white top with buttons on from The Christmas Invasion), do my (new, even spikier) hair and go scare Bex. ( and give her an iced finger. One of the reasons why i get up every saturday: free cakes :D )Up until last year, she'd never seen me with a skirt on (except when i was 'the guardian of the golden forest' in the year before last's panto, and anyway it was a dress. A *lime green* dress. Never again.) but I wore one to the panto party:

I was trying to recreate the cover of The Damned Don't Cry by Visage :

<==the original cover    
<==my (badly) photoshopped version. (yeah, I icon myself :D)
and I'm going to wear one soon. 2 in a year. Maybe I'm ill :D Maybe she'll faint :D Maybe I'll post pics of me. Maybe I'll post pics of her fainting. Maybe I'll post a video of it. Maybe she'll kill me. Maybe I'll see a flying pig :)
...sorry, went off on one then :D

Anyway, that's what I'm doing tonight. X files post soon hopefully. And a Blackpool post. I've just started watching it, I'm up to episode 2, and it's FANTABULOUS :D

You got to know when to hold em, know when to fold em, Know when to walk away and know when to run. You never count your money when youre sittin' at the table. Therell be time enough for countin' when the dealin's done.

visage, panto, !icons, ranting, rambling, blackpool

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