I've gotten through my first semester of uni alive. Psychology is such an interesting topic! I'm really enjoying the coursework, even if it is a huge amount. I'm doing Psych and history next semester, but I'm hoping that I'll be more used to the load of work that is required from me.
So, the moment I'm in Thailand again. But this time I'm spending 8 days in Phuket, as opposed to last time when I spent 8 days in Bangkok. Phuket is great-the weather is wonderful and the views are great. The resort I'm staying at is called Graceland and is right on the beach. It has two pools, which I love, and a spa. Phuket, despite the obvious differences, reminds me a lot of Queensland. Only everything is cheaper here.
I just did a Thai cooking course today, which was wonderful. I love cooking, and today we learnt, among other things, how to make and wrap spring rolls. In a few days, I'm going on a speedboat tour of the Phi Phi islands.
I'm writing a sequel to Family Ties, but I'm really not happy with it at the moment, so I keep scraping it and re-writing it. I feel really bad about that, as i know some people want to read it. I can say for certain that if I'm still not happy with it after the next re-write in a couple months, I'll post it up no matter.
Oh, and I have a new kitten. I found Artemis (boy) down the back of my grandmother's house when he was a few days old. His mum abandoned him, so I took him home and feed him every 3 hours for the next couple weeks. His eyes opened after a few days, but he still kind of looked like a wet rat. He fit into the palm of my hand!
He is four months old now, but still very samll and wild. But I think he is adorable.
Caio, Lys!!