asylum europe ♥

May 25, 2010 21:42

So here comes my little con review. Since I took no notes I'll just tell you what I remember and show you my photos ops. :D

*imagine a cute, little banner which says: "asylum europe :D"*
(since my photos suck out loud I couldn't make one -.-)

First thing I'll have to change for next year: I need a new camera or at least get a stand for my current camera. Cause my photos are all blurry or too dark and it sucks!


After school I drove to Bad Neuenahr where the Con was. I met darkestnight01 (she's the Castiel girl who was on stage with Misha!!) and checked in. It was a cute little pension. I wish I had taken photos, it was really sweet. And absolutely okay to stay there even for just 2 nights. :)

So then I went to the Dorint hotel where the Con actually took place to register myself. And then I bought my Chad photo op. :D

I went back to my little pension, showered and fall asleep as I lay down on the bed watching a little bit tv. Lol So that was my extremely exciting Friday evening. :D


I got up early, met Denise at breakfast and we decided that we would go together to the Dorint. On the way we met Sandra and Nadja.

Opening Ceremony
Well, I could think of a bit more BUT since this was my first con I was pleased with it. Doug just announced the guests, they came on stage, waved and were gone. Lol Nothing SO special but I liked it. :D

Misha Panel
Uhm like I said I haven't taken ANY notes so these are just the highlights I can remember. Don't expect too much. :D

→ There was such a nervous girl asking one of the first questions. She was so nervous she almost cried and I guess Misha hugged her? I'm not so sure about that anymore. Lol And she almost needed 5 minutes or something to ask her question. I was thinking because it was such a huge question but... All she asked in the end was "Have you seen any kangaroos?" Awesome! :D Misha said he hasn't seen any but this morning he saw a squirrel. "You have weird squirrels." Lol Just because they are red and have funny hair on top of their heads. :D

→ Denise dressed as Castiel - she even had the tie the wrong way around - and Misha had her come on stage to see. It was awesome.

→ Oh, almost forgot. When Misha entered the stage we all held those "I watch Ellen in ..." posters up. Misha's reaction = just fucking amazing! "This woman is dead to me." Omg. I love him. :D

Uhm, what else? I can't remember. Sorry. :/ But it was an awesome panel and my very first one! :D I laughed so much, amazing. Misha's just great!

Traci/Chad/Sam Panel
I can't remember so much I just remember that Chad was pretty quiet. Lol No wonder since he had a total hangover. Poor Chad. Too much German beer Friday evening. xD

And after that panel I had my very first Photo Op wiiiiiiith *drum rolls* CHAD LINDBERG LADIES AND GENTS! Oh gosh I am so proud. :D And I've gotta say when I'm hungover I really look crappy. Chad doesn't. Unfair. But maybe it's just the make up. xD

Plus I got it signed. :D *proud*

Jim Panel
I missed the beginning because we were so late with the Photo Ops even if they totally hurried us through it.

Jim's shirt. O-M-G. How awesome was that?! Really. I love Jim. He's so cool and sweet and funny and ... I could go on like this for days I guess. Because I mean he IS just awesome! :D

Oh yeah wait. The shirt. I don't have a photo, sadly. :( But I remember what it said: "Bobby Singer will Ihnen zeigen seine Panikzimmer. In privaten." Which means: "Bobby Singer wants to show you his panic room. In private."
The German wasn't grammatically correct but it's so cute German. Oh Gosh. And he actually SPOKE so much German that weekend especially when he had the panel with Traci on Sunday. Amazing. He even explained WHY he learned German. Cause his grandpa was a German. How cute?! Really! *_*

I really wish I had taken notes I really can't remember. :/

Mark Panel
OMG! MARK! What the fucking hell! THIS VOICE! He totally got me with the first sentence he spoke. Totally amazing. I really had problems concentrating on what he actually said because his voice dazzled me that freaking much!

→ One fan asked a question about the Lost finale. I guess she wanted to know what will happen or something. Mark explained that he wouldn't say anything and at that moment a baby began to cry. It was so great. Mark made such fun about it. He was like "Aw the baby wants to know about the Lost finale, too" and "No, I won't tell you!" all the time. And OMG! When the baby began to cry he was like "Shut up! Aw - no I would never tell a baby to shut up. I like babies - for dessert!"

I laughed so much during that panel. Mark is just amazing! :D

Autograph Session #1
Oh and! I got most of my autographs signed on Saturday! Except the Chad and the Jim one. I got them on Sunday.

Sam and Traci were so amazing while signing. *-* I told Sam that she looks so pretty and she was all like "Oh really? That's just all the make up" but I won't believe that. And Traci called me Miss Cara. *-* Those two, really. So amazing, so sweet and all. *-*

PLUS I got a heart from Misha. :D


Same like Saturday morning. ;)

Misha/Mark Panel
Since I laughed the most during Misha's and Mark's single panels on Saturday I thought this was going to be the funniest thing of the whole weekend. And I guess it was.

→ The kangaroo girl came up to ask a question again - Misha just called her the Zoologist the whole weekend. Lol And she asked what would happen if she made a ring of salt around them and Misha asked her to try. And she ACTUALLY brought SALT with her! It was so freaking funny. You just can't believe it! OMG! :D

Jim/Traci Panel
Traci did Yoga for us! And Jim, too! So awesome. :D And they made uhm, what was it called? Something with Movement I guess. But the whole name ... I dunno. :s

Oh and there was something with animals again. And like the whole room laughed and Traci was like "o.O huh? what's so funny?" And some girl tried to explain it to her but cracked up laughing all the time. Haha. :D

Chad Panel
Oh yeah. Chad. He was himself again. Not hungover but all bubbly. Like we all know and love him! :D I even had a question for him but because it was Chad I was too shy to actually ask him. But lucky me mangacat201 asked for me. Thanks again sweety <3!
My question was if he was a computer geek in real, too, because he always plays such roles. Supernatural and in The Fast And The Furious and in CSI or something. And he was just like "I dunno. It's like ,Need a computer geek? Call Lindberg.'" :D

What else?! Ahhh it sucks that I can't remember. :s I guess I'm still dazzled by Chad and Marks voice and the whole weekend. :D

Sam/Chad Photo Op
After Chad's Panel we had lunch break and then Sam/Chad double photo op. I had ticket number 6! o_o Plus because of Lunch break we weren't running that late anymore and we had like pleeeeeenty of time for that photo op. At least it felt like that.

Before it was my turn some other people had their photos taken. The first ones were those normal hug ones. You know them. And then they started with the "crazy" ones. :D And I was thinking so hard WHAT THE HELL I could do. Lucky me there was Cat again. And I had my idea.

So it was my turn and I was so nervous again. Yay. :D I went to them and I was like "Can we like ... jump? o_o" and they were like "Uh, okay." and we jumped. :D

But the photographer was like "Do it again and get your legs up in the air." and she was so cute. She was like "But the feet could be blurry" and I was just like "I don't care!" xD

So we jumped again.


Next time I see Sam and/or Chad I'm going to take it with me and get it freaking signed!

Sam Panel
Last panel. :/ But here we go. I really asked Sam a question!! YAYS FOR ME! :D

I was so damn nervous. And when I began to speak ... Oh Gosh. I wanted to switch to German to get it out okay but I knew I can't do it because she wouldn't understand what I'm saying. Lol But at the end I got the question out okaaay and Sam understood. :D

I just asked what her screen debut was because Jim and Traci talked about theirs in their panel so I was curious. Sam said that it was a small role and the only thing she had to do was scream her lungs out. And she was like "I CAN scream." Lol I would have asked her if she could scream for us but I was just too nervous. Maybe next time. :D

And she told us that gun story. Fabulous! *grin*

Autograph Session #2
The organisation SUCKED! So much that I wouldn't get a dedication. Not even on the photo with Chad. :/ Sucks. But hey whatever. At least I HAVE an autograph on that photo! :D

Closing Ceremony
Sadly it had to end some time. :/ But best thing happened at the Closing Ceremony.

Doug announced that we would get ANOTHER CON IN GERMANY! NEXT YEAR! Named HIGHWAY TO HELL! HOW FREAKING AMAZING IS THIS?! He just said it and the whole room was flipping out. Applause and all. I thought it wouldn't end. Lol So damn awesome!

I'm so looking forward to next year. I even made a list for next year. Like ideas for Photo Ops and stuff I have to change and all. I can't wait.

MAY 2011


cons: asylum europe, actor: mark pellegrino, rl: wtf, actor: misha collins, actress: traci dinwiddie, actor: chad lindberg, actress: sam ferris, actor: jim beaver, cons: ae2 highway to hell, rl: squee

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