Happy Birthday Singy-pour.

Aug 12, 2010 19:30

It was our country's 45th birthday on monday (I had to ask to find out... patriotic huh?), which basically meant we had a long weekend! Although many decided to take days off to go on holidays around the area, I instead choose to spend my national day doing something different. Well, more different from the usual.

Most nights were spent exploring various planets and defending my base from evil people who want to kill my cute drones. Did a 4v4 with Justin, Cherps and his brother. We died terribly. Well, I did decently! Managed to "kill" one player but he rebuilt, and I killed him again. What destroyed us was a terran flying his rax into cherp's base, which the idiot walled off. So we couldn't help him as the other guy started building marines right into his scvs. It went to hell after that and we were floored that our first practice league and they threw us with a bunch of pros.

Did some 2v2s with Chr yesterday, 2 wins 1 loss. Not bad for a bunch of n00bs. Although we only know how to do one strat, I chiong out Void Rays and harrass their drones while he builds a bunch of marines/marauders/hellions to defend our base and take out their troops. I'm getting pretty good at micro-ing rays, from offscreen charging on a proxy pylon to phasing, and our first matchup which was against a Protoss/Terran combo I think we won because I managed to out rush the protoss ray rush. I had two rays destroying their base with full charge when his first popped up.

The 2nd match was vs 2 terrans, and we correctly predicted they were both going M&M. What we didn't expect was the group of reapers backdooring our drones. Smart. Still managed to take them down for our 2nd win! Go team.

We paused for some 3v3 AI with my cousin. Oh god that was the worst battle I have ever played. We were playing some retarded map, don't remember what it was, with two "islands" at the corners with high yield. Of course us being the slow people we are, got rushed by the AI. They took out both Justin and Chr while I was defending up my base with massive cannon walls and building rays. Of course these two ... clowns go and fly off to the corner islands and STAY THERE.  Leaving me to die to the 3 AIs. It was a long drawn out battle, with me and my fleet of 8 or so void rays, and that was it. unfortunately they got caught by a very irritating Fungal Growth infection and died, save for the Hero Aeroplane. So basically it was down to our side having exhausted all the minerals. I had ONE Void Ray. Chr had about 8 or so Banshees. Jin had like 3 Corruptors and an army of zerglings. Through extreme guerilla tactics and my years of dota training, I got something like 60 kills on that one voidray, and we eventually managed to take down their base by decoying their huge army and harrassing all their little pylons. God that was the most stupid game ever!

Chr and I did another 2v2, should have mean more aggressive on the void ray harass. I got scared by their cannons and ran off. Also, I highly underestimated the power of the infestor. We died to basically a bunch of infestors spawning infested terrans in our base. When I say a bunch, I mean so many freaking infested terrans that the computer said "PLAYER NAME IS SLOWING DOWN THE GAME" because of his bloody spawns. Oh and like a gazillion carriers being hidden by a mothership. :/ We got pwnt. Watching that replay made me learn alot though, at least I know my start is not to bad, need to pump more drones and expand earlier tho.

Besides SC2, I went swimming with kalen on sat, or as Akabane said "thats not swimming, that's playing with water" as we were going to the Waterpark. We spent the day nuaa-ing in the lazy river and the wave pool. The freaking lazy river, has like water jets at certain portions to keep the water flowing. When you're lying in the donut shaped float and float over the jets it feels like your butt is being groped by phantom water hands, so much so that Kalen kept yelling "SURPRISE BUTTSHECKS" and pushing me into the jets. As she puts it, I have no raid awareness, and thus didn't notice the jets. To my defense, only happened the first time! See I learn fast! After that it became a game to push each other into the jets. In fact I pushed her so hard, that I fell over. Many times. She loved laughing at me. Towards the end one of the jets started working over time, and there was liek a massive WAVE in the middle of the lazy river. Oh my freaking god, that totally just flipped my float over and Kalen spent her time laughing at me. Had much fun though. I find it amusing we compared the lazy river to a raid.

Sunday was movie day, and I went to watch The Last Tearbender. It was the most... boring thing I have every spent money watching. What have you done to my fandom M Night Shamalaysadjasdjasdkadjkiahteyou. It was absolutely TERRIBLE. Aang was... boring. Katara was... useless. Sokka was not funny and his "relationship" with Yue was the stupidest thing I have ever seen, "they became friends immediately." *cut to them holding hands* WTF was that? I-ro had no character. Fire Lord Ohzai wasn't the least bit threatening or menacing. The most disappointing... what have you done to Zuko. He is such a terrible actor, it's like he's all happy and normal and suddenly he "remembers" he's supposed to be angry and then starts raging. I bet some bloody fan-videos are better than that.

And the bending... apprantly the lower your bending skills the more useless kungfu you need to do before your spells come out. Need to make a water globe appear? No problem just do a 50 step kata. Need to make fire sprout from your hands and burn everything? Just twist them face up. What the heck? What have you doneeeeee...

However, there is a silver lining to this terribad movie...

Avatar 2 : The Legend of Korra! And it's Steampunky! Fall next year release apparantly. WATCH WIF MEEEEEEEE.

also I think i'm addicted to SC2. I dreamt I was playing it even in my sleep. ><

<3 Vain

Posted via email from Vain
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