Blizzard Fangirls & Boys Unite!

Aug 03, 2010 21:34

It's been slightly more than a week since my last post, but I have good reason! After all, I needed to sink my teeth into some StarCraft 2 madness.

Those on my facebook, you'd know the utter joy that filled my soul when I booted up SC2, in fact I was frequently alt-tabbing to facebook to rant about how in love with SC2 I was, not surprising, because it was epicly gorgeous. I'd been purposely not looking at the videos and whatever was related to SC2 just so I wouldn't go nuts in the months prior to the release, so seeing Tychus with his lovely "Hell, it's about time" line, sent shivers down my spine.

The visuals and music are stunning, so much so that sometimes I forget I'm playing an RTS, and oh my god, when I saw the cinematic where Kerrigan was on Tarsonis, I nearly cried. I love Kerrigan. She's got to be my favourite female game character. Just look at her!

She's smart, deadly, hawtsauce, and is such a believable, realistic character that I ... I just love her. The whole "she will save us all" thing could be seen coming from miles away though. As if Raynor could ever kill Kerrigan, I mean that on both a "he is incapable of killing Kerrigan" and "he loves her too much to kill her" kind of way. I'm on the side of the fence that thinks that Raynor and Kerrigan aren't in love. They're attracted to each other, and probably someday if things turned out different they might have ended up in a relationship, but I don't think that was the extent of their relationship in the original SC. Kerrigan was too emotionally battered by that bitch Rumm and Raynor just lost his wife, er ex-wife, whatever. I don't think either of them were in the right state of mind for a relationship. I think however, they did have some similarities, both were fiercely independant loners, and I think that was the sort of companionship they had. Kinda like a we're both in the same room, keeping to ourselves and yet enjoying the presence of another individual sort of way. Oh and the fact that they'd save each other's butts.

Gameplay wise I think the transition from SC was done well, the races still maintain their balanced yet diverse characteristics. I'm a little miffed that they don't have medics in PVP, but I guess the medivac's make up for it. Almost. The new units are fun and add a new dimension to the whole game. I haven't fully played and experimented, but I have to say that I love the Void Ray. Protoss and Zerg were always my favourite, and the Void Ray is lovely. Sure it takes a while to charge up, but at max charge, everything dies within a few seconds with a couple of Rays.

Mostly been working on the campaign and doing some coop games just to get back into the groove and figuring out how to maximise the output. I also can't seem to be able to Macro and Micro at the same time, and until I learn to memorise the bloody hotkeys it's gonna be a bit till I start attempting to show my n00bness in random games.

On the other hand, back on WoW, which I have been neglecting as of late, meaning I just log on for my 10 mans, Vain's managed to collect her shadow set, which is surprisingly at a very decent 5.9k GS, hitcapped with insane haste. Trinkets are shit though. We also managed to get the LK achieve and down Sindy HM, which means it's just the "All you can eat" achievement from Sindy before she gets her 2nd 310% mount!

All in all, everything's good, and been recovering from a rather long bout of illness which morphed from a flu to a chronic cough to bronchitis. My voice will never sound the same again.

<3 Vain.
Posted via email from Vain
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