Mixed Batch: Dark Angel, Dollhouse, Twilight, Supernatural, & More (52 Icons)

Apr 01, 2009 16:26

I fail at LJ. :p No really... I do. For now please have a random smattering of icon love. :) I'm planning on a big Supernatural batch, but for now here's some odds and ends. Some old, some newish. I'm mostly sure I haven't posted any of these outside of using a couple for my own userpics. Nothing special, just some random stuff for ya.


1.) Comment + tell me which ones you are taking and/or like.
2.) DO NOT HOTLINK. Save them to your own server or PC.
3.) Don't edit any of these without getting my permission first.
4.) Credit frozeneyes in your lj userpic keywords please.

1 Friday Night Lights
- 1 Generic

1 Gilmore Girls
- 1 Dean Forrester

1 Roswell
- 1 Maria DeLuca

2 Dollhouse
- 2 Echo

2 X-Men
- 1 John Allerdyce (Pyro)
- 1 Remy LeBeau (Gambit)

4 Dark Angel
- 1 Max Guevara
- 3 Ben

6 Twilight
- 1 Bella
- 1 Alice
- 1 Edward
- 1 Emmett
- 1 Jasper
- 1 Rosalie

7 Grey's Anatomy
- 7 Isobel Stevens

8 Actor/Actress
- 1 Eliza Dushku
- 1 Famke Janssen
- 2 Angelina Jolie
- 4 Jensen Ackles

20 Supernatural
- 20 Various Episodes & Characters

Sneak Peek

1 Friday Night Lights

1 Gilmore Girls

1 Roswell

2 Dollhouse

2 X-Men

4 Dark Angel

6 Twilight

6 Grey's Anatomy

8 Actor/Actress

20 Supernatural

ETA: Added a couple I forgot about. ;)

icons: dark angel, icons: x-men, icons: friday night lights, icons: dollhouse, icons: grey's anatomy, icons: supernatural, icons: roswell, icons: twilight, icons: gilmore girls, icons, icons: actresses, icons: actors

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