a plethora of gratitude

Jan 23, 2007 22:38

With nothing in return. No wait, I take that back. School has drained my bank account and sucked my soul straight out of my ass. $265 in books for 1 class. Now I get told I need a $63 book for another class. I have 10 cents in my account. Seriously, 10 fucking cents! That's not including what I spent on registering. Why couldn't I just ease myself back into school and only take one class? I need money and energy.

Wish me luck, I'm sleeping until Thursday. I can't stand the thought of $-65. Stupid lack of financial aid. Stupid government. I'm gonna go eat brownies and ice cream and peaaaaaaanut butter now!

Call me Jamie, the obese prostitute, how may I take your oder? :)

EDIT: My sister and Tanner just gave us the book money + more! it'll totally cover the phone bill and my book and yay! crazy how family somehow always comes through.

Stupid whiny post.

I can't believe i turned this in.
Subject: The Brain (if I only had one) 3/11/05

1. "Having a brain makes you smart. Having a brain is positive to the 2nd power," atleast that's what THEY say. It's one of the most important parts of the body. Everything I do is related to it, right now, my ability to write this is coming from my brain. From thinking to masturbating (which is positive); the brain does a lot in your favor. My non-existent penis would be sad without it.

2. Some people always use their brain for the negative. The ability to think certain thoughts do certain things (masturbate, damn 17th century bastards! I like my piano legs UN-covered, sir). Nobody likes a murderous-evil doing--oven-using--bad mustache having--using brain for evil bastard/bitch like that around, that's why!

3. My brain could affect me in a million different personal ways, 'cause it is part of me, a big part of me ;) So big I'd pee on myself without it or be like that dude in the second Hannibal Lector movie with the face and the pigs. Nobody wants to put the lotion in THAT basket.
Personally, I think my brain could be a lot nicer to me. Especially when my cankle hurts. Release the pleasantous P-stuff, bitch!

4. Emotionally: it can make me love it or leave it, kind of like God minus the free will. Like right now, it can make me feel bad about just saying that or about saying "cuntastic," but that it isn't, of courrrrrrse. I used to believe that my heart controlled my feelings for people like when somebody says, "I'll always be in your heart," then points at your chest (non-sexually.....or sexually, whatever you want), even though that only happens in the movies, but ANYWAY, I used to believe that people somehow got stored in there. But it was all a lie, a lie I tell you! Stupid love.

THE END. I got an A and a comment that isn't really legible. Fucking professor pens.

I can call you Betty. Betty when you call me, you call me Al.

...I hope that someone's gonna call and tell me this night is overe...

questions, money, sluts, yay!, school

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