A wireless mouse would be nice

Jun 25, 2006 23:55

My stepdad went out and got himself a new 18/19" flat screen monitor, so low and behold I got his relatively new er.. old one. Mine is almost 10 years old so this is a nice change. I'm not used to it being the same size as my tv, which is sitting right next to it. You know, I think it might actually be bigger than my tv... AWESOME! But now I have to sit like 3/4 feet away so I don't get a headache.

Damn man, I need a job. That way I could put that nice computer tower thats sitting out in the kitchen to good use. Buy it all new fancy parts and have myself a top speed brand spankin kickass new computer! I doubt I'll ever change the keyboard though, it's my buddy with it's nice little path going down the middle of my keys. A path! A path! :)
So yeah, I re-applied at Sears today and guess what the thingy said? "Thanks for applying but we're looking for people who more closely resemble what we want." HELLO, I used to work there, ASS-FUCKS! That was pretty surprising. Do you guys think maybe I should actually go IN to the store and ask to see a manager? Damn, I probably should.

There's so much I gotta get done before Sunday!!! Well, not really but it's one of those "I have a week to do everything I haven't done yet before I DIE (turn 21)!" moods I'm going through. I probably shouldn't have such a glum outlook on it but really, why the heck should I be excited? My ID expires on my birthday this year so, places can choose to be bitches and not let me buy alchohol, which I know doesn't really matter most the time EXCEPT when it's the only reason I'm going to a bar.

...This is getting long but there's a lot on my mind right now and it's either this or ..hmm, what else? I think I'll go play with cheap paint, sharpees, and pastels. See ya.

...Well, you did it Eddie. Though it's hard to applaud suicide. You gave all you could give so your sister could live. All of America is choked up inside. We'll remember you forever Eddie, for the sacrifice you made. I can't believe the price you paid for love...

bleh, monitor, 21

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