Dec 19, 2008 08:58
As many of you know, I normally have limited enthusiasm toward closings during a snow storm. We live in Wisconsin. Snow is sort of a part of life, and in recent years, it seems like they make the decision to close schools and businesses earlier and earlier - sometimes even before the snow starts falling.
Today, however, I can only intermittently see the house across the street, and they've actually closed the freeway down from the Milwaukee airport to the Illinois border. A newscaster stuck a yard stick into a non-plow-manufactured snowbank in Milwaukee, and buried it to 19".
This does not bode well for our warehouse sale in Kenosha today, where the weather is even worse than it is here. And to which I am not going until afternoon, when this will hopefully settle down and allow me to see the street. Schools are closed from north of Milwaukee to Illinois, as are businesses, churches, and government offices. I'll be sort of amazed if we get mail, and I'm still trying to figure out why my husband bothered to put out the garbage can. It's going to get hit by a plow.
I probably wouldn't go to the warehouse sale myself, except I really don't want to leave my boss (who spent the night at the hotel there) to pack up the entire sale by herself. That's about 20 cases and a hundred boxes, not to mention the computer and cash boxes and everything. But I'm not going until much, much later.
On a positive note, I now don't have to worry about not having gotten my gift cards for the kids' teachers (which were supposed to have come home yesterday from school, from whence I ordered them, and didn't). I can't give them to them until after the holidays anyway!
On a negative note, after snow-blowing and putting out the garbage, my husband went to work. I am less than impressed by this, especially since it sounds as if hardly anyone else DID, which means he could've just taken support calls from home and kept the snow picked up. Hopefully he'll be smart and come home early. Either way, I'm going to have to go out and shovel, which does not make me happy.
Postscript: The tv is showing Hwy 50 in Kenosha (slightly further than I need to go). I am definitely in no hurry to head down there, but at least there aren't any major accidents.