Harry Potter Book 7

Jul 22, 2007 18:25

Okay, here's the follow-up on my predictions. Overall, not Too awful, though I was majorly off on some stuff. Oh well!

1) Deaths

I predicted it would NOT be: A) Any of the Weasley clan, B) Hermione, C) Professor McGonagall, D) Harry, E) Luna Lovegood.

So, I was wrong on A, and I raise a canary cream in Fred's memory. *sniffs*

People who Might die, but I didn't think so: A) Neville, B) Hagrid, C) Draco Malfoy, D) Tonks, unless both she and Lupin die, E) Ernie (from Ravenclaw).

This is one that I'm really sad to have been right about. I liked Tonks and Lupin, and Lupin naming Harry godfather was a nice touch.

People who are more likely to die: A) Voldemort, B) Snape, C) Peter Pettigrew.

Woohoo, go me!

2) Other Predictions:

A) Neville is going to kill someone.

Well, I got the prediction right, but the prospective victim wrong. I was right, though - there was Definitely a reason Neville was sorted into Gryffindor, and I loved how it was displayed, despite his relatively minor part in the book.

B) Harry is going to find out, at the beginning of the book, why his parents were targetted by Voldemort, and more about James' family. This is going to somehow link him to Gryffindor. It is also quite possible, if James is a direct descendent thereof, that he's going to find some heirloom of Gryffindor's there that will turn out to be a horcrux.

Partially right?

C) The book is going to begin with Hogsworth closed for the term. It will reopen at the end. This frees up most of the characters we're familiar with, who would otherwise be in school, and gives a nice sense of finality to the end of the book, in that everything goes "back to normal" after Voldemort's death/destruction. Hogwarts has to carry on for the book to end on the right note.

Totally off, other than the ending. But it Had to end at Hogwarts, so that was a no brainer.

D) Whoever that jerk was (I forget his name, but the one who kept bossing the other characters around) who got kicked off the Quidditch team last term is going to go over to Voldemort.

Not sure the jerk in question was even seen in the book.

E) Something important is going to happen that involves Luna Lovegood. I have no idea what, but she's there for a reason.

And she was! Or at least, her father was!

F) Draco is going to have to make a choice. And I don't think that, ultimately, he's going to choose Voldemort. He may die for this.

DID Draco make a choice? Not a big one. He chose not to be a vehement supporter, though. He chose not to immediately identify Harry, Hermione, and Ron. And I don't remember him really fighting in the final battles. For Draco...I guess that's good enough, though i would've liked to have seen him switch sides.

G) JK Rowlings said that someone well past the age one would normally first do magic will do it under stressful circumstances, and that this will Not be Aunt Petunia. I'm predicting Mrs. Figg. Harry is going to have to return to Privet Drive at some point to talk to his Aunt Petunia about Dumbledore's letters and what they contained. It could well happen then.

I Still can't find this in the book. Did anyone pick up on anyone overage doing magic? I was also wrong about how they handled Petunia, but since I really liked how they juxtaposed all that, I'm glad that i was!

LOVED the book. I loved how JKR picked up all the loose plot ends I could think of, added the Hallows, and churned out something so incredibly epic in proportion. I was prepared for the whole thing to be a huge let-down. i'm SO glad i was wrong.

harry potter

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