heres another update...

Apr 06, 2005 13:04

Weeeeell lemme see wHat's been gOin on lateLy? hmhmhmhm....
so0o0o muCh stuff u wouLdn't beLieeeeeve!!! LOL. Well i got HuLa pRactice everyday nOw aNd i doNt get hoMe til about 6pm. yup yup. And RugBy iz goNNa start so0N....every Monday and Wednesday 4:30pm -7:30pm....yup yup. Annnnnnnd wHen the suMMatime cOme i'mma jOin dis HaLau in CarsOn wit Sissy Kaio yeeaup. aNd i neeDs 2 gEt meeh a jOb fer tHis suMMer, cuz i nEEd money. so0o0o muh scHeduLe iz heLLa-cRazee. aNd pLus i gotta keep up wit tHa chuRch cRerzi-NesS n aLL. so0o0o yeaH. My head iz gOn expLode. HaHa. ouch. aNewHo...tHas all thats running thru my waCked out miNd rite nOw. so0o0o Laters.

i wuv u aLL x 1000, Kate (::ShapEdatwa iz baCk hoMe::)
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