Oct 28, 2004 12:12
This is a little something to Kev because like a bitch he posted shit about me and won't let me comment. You're gonna read my journal anyways fucker so you should just get what's coming to you.
You know...somehow I thought driving 10 hours to spend the weekend with you would somehow change something between us. But I guess it did'nt. You still hate me and you're still an ungrateful prick. The thing I don't get about you is why you dream so much. You have no future and you're never gonna be anything. All I hear about from you is where your gonna go to college at and which girl you're in love with next. It's complete and utter bullshit. You talk a lot of shit Kev. I mean seriously...you need to take a second to stop and evaluate your life. Why do you have so many enemies? Because you want them, that's why! The only reason why me and you can't be friends is because you want to hate me. No matter what I do to try and be your friend it's never good enough. Friends don't call each other "backstabbers." Maybe one day, when money grows on trees and you grow up a little we can be friends again. But until then don't bother.
And on top of this I would like to publically apoligize to Amanda for what happened on Friday night. I'm really sorry and I should have never let him do that to you. I should have listened to you all along. I guess I just wanted to see if that pot of gold really was at the other end of the rainbow. Turns out it was just a 19 year old child.....who still lives with his parents and has no job!
Well....you got what you wanted Kev. Did you really think I wasn't expecting this?