Jan 30, 2011 21:20
essentially, livejournal is wank. all of the entries on here are pretty much my whining or boasting at various segments in my life.
i do not like that about myself.
i am not the same person, in any shape or form when i began this aged, what, 13?
i like to think about the future now to deviate from the incessant bore that is the present.
so with that in mind, i have conjured up potential uni applications (duelly note, i will not get into but one of these establishments): UEA, UCL, university of exeter, durham university and edinburgh university.
fuckmylife that i have to have surgery for the godknowshowmanytimesth tomorrow.
but hey, i don't have a life crippling illness or deformity or mental issues that i am aware of, so this makes me optimistic.
schoolwise, lolzor. so my "awesome" friends decided to make it known to my teacher that i do in fact think he is remarkable and lovely and ohshityeahhe'sateacher. my own fault, should keep my mouth as tightly shut as mother teresa's labia. labias? labia.
odd word.
i do not by any stretch of the imagination have a "group" at school. i mean, there are a group i hang around with yes, but not one i merge into. they very much do not see me as part of their clique. would i want to be? probably not. i have my girls like nat and savage, but they can probably only marginally tolerate me. alas, that is who i am.
i cannot wait to get away. i hate plans. i mean really fucking hate them. but this is what i want to see: get into one of those sexy uni's, get a fucking 1st or a 2:1, then piss of to japan to teach english for a couple of years to gain perspective. then travel.
how could i ever become half decent at writing without some fucking perspective on life outside of cambridgeshire.
i need/want/must/live to see more.