Stolen from
darkstream SCATTERGORIES... Use the 1st letter of your first name to answer each of the following.
Your Name: Hellen
Famous Music artist/group: Hanson (well I didn't say I liked them did I?)
3 letter word: Him
Street name: Hope Street
Color: Completely off the top of my head and without the aid of wikipedia at all, honest guv: Heliotrope
Gifts/present: Handbag
Vehicle: Honda
Show/TV: Hustle
Country: Hungary
Boy Name: Herbert
Girl Name: Hannah
Alcoholic drink: Hobgoblin
Occupation: Harlot
Flower: Hyacinth
Celebrity: Helen Mirram
Something found in a kitchen: Ham
Reason for Being Late: Hopping
Something Scary: Horror
A Feeling: Hope
Animal: Hippopotamus
Something you shout: Help!
I think I need to get out more.