Long time no see.

Dec 23, 2009 15:16

I've just realized that I hadn't update LJ for a ... very long time. Since it's Christmas soon and I have some time I've decided to write something here.

I'm so glad that it's winter holiday now. I was so exhausted going to school, studying etc. XD Unforunatelly I should study now, but... hello, it's Christmas time, who would study? I'm helping parents in Christmas' preparations, baking cakes 'cause father asked me to bake some and since I have good connection here I'm surfing on the Net. I'm so happy that Torun's net is like that. You know it's not that fast, but at least I can download some stuff, watch Youtube & read mails! xD With my Warsaw's net is really hard to even read mails. Horrible connection that's it. Futhermore I can't wait 28th because Deed said she will probably come to TRN and bring Madeen (Madeen badz bo masz wpi*erdol XP) so I'm happy that we will talk face in face not through the Internet. What is more, on 25th I will visit my grandpa ♥ I'm very glad that he was realased from the hospital. Can't wait to see him, srsly. He is the only grandparent whom I still have. We really should cherish our beloved ones, You know, but in today's world, we're more focusing in our own business not in other ppl. That's pretty sad. Hope ppl will realize it and the things will change soon. Anyway, I'm pretty amazed that exam session is so soon @@; I really couldn't feel it since October, and now it's quite close. Hopefully we won't have so many exams like year before. XD Did I mention about our new korean teacher, Ms. Choi? OMG, she is amazing! <3 I bet everyone love her <3 She tries to speak korean, but when she sees that we don't get a thing, she just explains in polish. That's great, right? On the contrary, I still remember Ms.Kim whose polish was like 1% and english - 10% maybe? Ms. Choi just rocks. Moreover, we have listenings and we read 1 thing so many times that after some time You can tell that You know this text by heart. I love her <3 I hope she will be with us forever. XD I've just realized that I should take some course from english >/< My english sucks so hard >< I wanna know english very well, help me ;~; XD What should I do to learn more? I forgot almost everything which I learned in High School >/< Latety I've decided to watch as many korean movies as possible to learn more and to speak more in the future (on exams, classes or so). I promised this to myself and I'll do that no matter what. (Even with my shitty net XP Maybe I'll ask my bf to download movies for me XDD *O*). So as You realized, my life is pretty boring~~~~~. Nothing have changed. XD

Change the subject. From a long time I was searching a music that my playlist was leaking. I've tried everything and I couldn't find one suitable thing. XD But yesterday, while doing some graphics in PS I've realized that the one musican I was searching was ... HYDE. XD That's kinda hard to explain why I had this feeling, You know. It's just like... I've found his 666 album and listen to it 2 times and realized That's it. I remember when I was listening to this album looooong time ago. Maybe at the time when it had been realased. I was a big HYDE fan really. But later I found something called DBSK xP and lost my interest to Jrock in general. (btw. 666 is so OMFG @#%@%^&#%^#@%@ amazing album XD) I'm fulfilled now that I re-find him XD I've been listening his new works and it rocks ass <3 He is an amazing musican, srsly. Anyway, I love new Namie's album <3 COPY THAT & Shut Up! are gorgeous ♥ COPY THAT is like a song from Tarantino's movie XD. He should use is in his future plans or so. And hmmm I wanted to write something about this 3rd BEST from Kuu but I'm not sure what to think :/ I hate avex for doing so :/ Erhm, what else. Will DBSK break up in Korea? XD What do You think?XD

Btw did You read about the capsule x Mandaryna's case? xDDD What do You think about it? Those songs are similar or it's just my imagination? xD Sometimes I'm really ashamed that Polish music sux so hard XD. Why don't we have a representative musican? Or maybe we have but I don't know about him/her?

Everyone, I have one request too. Please recommend me a book ok?XD I want to read something but have no idea what XD Thanks in advance and sorry for my poor english XD. btw. I thought this post was shorter, but it has became this long xD Sorry XD.

btw 2 (3?) - That Akanishi Jin's Anan photoshot is FUCKIN' AMAZING! *_* SO HOT XD

여러분, 메리 크리스마스! ♥

ms. choi, school, namie amuro., hyde, akanishi jin, christmas

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