If this isn't the last post on the Convention I think I'm going to like, eat my fingers or something.
So I think we got up to the Alan and Justin's coffee lounge session yesterday before I decided the post was long ass and called it quits rather abruptly. Many apologies dear crowd; I really did have a final to revise for (it didn't go awfully awful thank you very much).
Another funny moment, probably and arguably the funniest, was when somebody asked Alan what he does on set or something to that effect and he replied something about just hanging out, when Justin isn't busy getting him drunk, "y'know, trying to loosen me up" and obviously, being very British, the roomful of girls (and one guy) erupted into laughter - seriously, I'm sure if it'd been Jensen, his bodyguards would have come rushing in to see what made the room shake.
So then Justin, being the awesome sport he is, like, slid Alan this dodgy glance and switched seats with the girl sitting next to him, to put some distance between him and his apparently secret gay lover. And then, being an even more awesome sport, jokingly touched the thigh of the guy he was now sat next to. Unfortunately for him (and most painfully hilariously for us) the guy goes, "I'm actually gay."
Dear LORD if you could have seen Justin's face at that exact moment; no amount of acting skill could be spared or hidden the devastation and shock on his face. He wasn't rude about it, but I think it'd be a bit alarming for any straight guy. At any rate, we were all too busy filling buckets with our tears of laughter to care. Honestly, I think I went blind for about two minutes, crying with laughter. That sort of comedy you just can't script and somehow, I get the feeling it's the kind of comedy that follows Justin around. Because he's just that kind of funny funny guy.
He was also telling us how they were doing the tourist thing and walking around London, taking in the sights, when they came across the most massive pile of horse crap they'd ever seen and royal horse crap that apparently. (I've lived here all my life and I'm not sure quite how you distinguish royal horse crap from the common stuff but I guess Alan and Justin sussed it out) So of course, what does every sane, normal person do when they stumble across some crap? Take a picture of course!
Justin was so funny throughout the whole coffee lounge; but like I said before, his expression didn't change that much no matter how funny the story. He just has this way of keeping such a straight face. On the one hand it makes him intimidating to look at for that long, but on the other hand, makes his anecdotes so much funnier for the juxtoposition. Having said that, the guy REALLY lit up when he was talking about his little girl. Isabella sounds like one of those TV kids who always says the hilarious thing EVERYONE cracks up at, and even more so because she does it in such a straight faced serious way (like her dad!). She's two and half and is really into this show called Wonder Pets (for the longest time, he thought it was Wonder Pants), and Justin was saying how he can't stand it, becauses the premise is pretty much, every day (or every show because it repeats like, three times a day and Isabella is obsessed with it), some sort of animal gets "stuck in a twee" no matter how incomprehensible this is, i.e., an elephant. And then he was saying how one day, like, a seal or a dolphin or some other aquatic creature got stuck in the tree, and Isabella was finally like, "huh? Daddy how did a dolphin get stuck in a twee?" And, it wasn't so much funny as the CUTEST expression ever when Justin retold it. It just made you want to pick him and up put him your pocket! (All like, 6ft 4inches of him!)
And he was talking about how she doesn't understand the concept of husbands and wives and monogamy etc and she has a nanny and she's like, 35 and has a few kids of her own, and Isabella will just be like, "kiss!" and Justin will be like, "no Isabella." But he has a rule that she can't watch anything with either of her parents kissing other people because this is understandly confusing at her age. And the other cutest thing, is how, when she's watching a show, and Justin walks in, she has to say, "Daddy pwease don't change it, pwease," and as soon as she says that, she's monopolised the TV. Because if she doesn't say it he'll go on his sport spree, and even though she's only two and a half, she'll apparently be exasperated with him and be all, "Daddy, are you gonna watch basketball? And baseball? And football?" and Justin will be all, "yep, yep, YEP!"
Someone asked if it was weird seeing your wife kiss someone else, and him kissing someone else, and Justin was like, "yeah, I used to go on set on Passions (which he co-starred with his wife) and be like, 'so there's the guy she made out, there's the girl I made out with....honey, where are you??'"
OMG, and another OH SO CUTE Isabella story is when they're on the plane, and as every kid does, she'll run up and down the aisles and bother passengers with "what's your favourite colour? Mine's blue," and Justin was like, "she asked you question! Answer her!" and then he was like, "yeah, my wife doesn't appreciate it when I do that," which was funny but anyway, so then the passenger will go, "um...purple?" and Isabella will go, "...no...I think your favourite colour is green." HOW CUTE?!
And Alan was talking about how the hotel they stayed at in London from arrival on the Wednesday through to Friday, there was nothing for him to do because with the jet lag, he'd wake up at 6pm in the evening raring to go, and he'd go ask the front desk where there was good places to go and they wouldn't have a clue and told him "go out door and keep walking straight" so Alan did and after a while was like, "man, I'm not getting anywhere!" so he walked back and there was Justin, rocking up from the NIGHT BEFORE, couldn't "feel my face" and Alan would be like, "hey dude! Where you been?? Where's good to go?? Let's go!" And Justin was like how Sam was in the Playthings episode (with the dolls, I think that's what it was called, too lazy to go check), "dude, shuttup, stop being so loud."
Justin also talked about how he walked a FAR OUT route around central London's main attractions. I swear the route he described must have taken about four hours. But at that point, the weather was still good so I suppose he got lucky, but man, that journey by FOOT. And then he was saying how Alan was like, "oh yeah, we saw all those things too, but we took the bus."
They both said that they do take a lot of time out to hit the gym because when you're paid to look a certain way for a role, you can't let them down on that. So yeah, all the CW guys are gym buffs dude! And they all agreed with all the comments that have come out about Michael Rosenbaum being the biggest joker around. They said when they were off camera he'd be such a goofball making everyone laugh and then BAM! Lex Luthor. Even they were stunned at how he could turn it on and off. And they said they were surprised at how tall all the guys were on Smallville, especially Tom Welling - we all know he looks huge on screen (even though anyone would next to the diminutive Kristin Kreuk who makes even Allison Mack look big - and she's tiny!) but the guys said that he just towers over EVERYONE.
Somebody asked Alan about being knocked out of Aquaman the TV show pilot for Justin Hartley and this is just how chilled the guy is; he didn't show any signs of being uncomfortable with it. He was so relaxed and was like, "y'know, I played the character on Smallville and I had no plans to to take it further and they had me come on and play that character and that was it, so when it came to the pilot, it wasn't like they even had me in mind for it, so it wasn't like I read for it, because I was never considered for it" and he had no issues with that whatsoever.
He did get asked about his American Idol experience (he was AI3) and got through to Hollywood, but he was saying how he was able to see that some of the contestants got put through to that stage purely for entertainment value. He said he wasn't putting anyone down for trying but sometimes you just "have to recognise where your talents lie" and some of those guys were completely deluded and were literally purely there to amuse the viewers. He says he watches the first few weeks of every season just for those comedy moments; he feels bad for those people but at the same time, they put themselves in that situation. And no, he hasn't been invited back to perform or anything.
I'm sure there's a lot I've forgotten but it really was the most fulfilling hour of the entire weekend; unlike the Nicki and Brooke coffee lounge, which was more of a straight forward Q&A almost, the Alan and Justin one honestly felt like the guys were relaxed and chilled and being completely down to earth and honest with us. They just make you feel so at ease and you forget you're looking at two people who have been on TV, except that they're so physically perfect! Seriously, toned, tanned and just PERFECT!
And here's the picture:
Sigh, so pretty they should be illegal.
So yeah, another thing I forgot was the Justin and Alan autograph session. I think I said before that at this, Justin seemed sullen, moody etc but obviously that opinion of him changed real soon. When I got to Alan, he was the chirpy, cheerful, ridiculously happy guy everyone else has said he was and was like, "Hey! So where are you from?" And I swear I was nearly blown out of my shoes by his energy and enthusiasm; it's just contagious. And I was like, being completely ease as he does, "where do you think I'm from?" and he goes,
"ah man, I don't know, London?" and I was like,
"yeah! and for that, you get to come and party with me!" and was like,
"oh really?? Awesome, let's do that!" and at this point, I realised I didn't have a business card for him; I'd been so busy giving them to people that I only had one left and that had Jensen's name ALL over it but I really wanted to give Alan one because he was the only one I felt like might remotely call. So I was like,
"man! I'm so annoyed! I ran out of business cards!" and he was like,
"oh no, ah man, well, never mind," but I was determined not to let the celebrity down (because really, who does that??) so I turned to Izzy and being the skanky ho I am...I asked for the one I gave her back...HAHA! CLASSY! And as
jxisxthexnuts was done getting signed, I snuck back in and slid him my card, and was like, "there you go, call me for a party and I'll hook you up!" and he was like, *BIG GRIN* - standard really - "thanks!"
And here are some technically illegal pictures because there were posters saying no pictures in the autograph rooms, even though some of the guys didn't mind and posed with people for their own pictures (and not just photoshoot ones).
Oh gay, I haven't uploaded those ones yet, sorry! They were blurry because I wasn't allowed pictures therefore I couldn't use the flash. I'll upload them later, they're not that exciting!
So I think the next thing is the final Jensen stage talk of the event. They'd kicked everyone out and made them all go back in again so it was really strict and organised on the Sunday but me and
jxisxthexnuts managed to go down the side aisle close to the stage and sneak some pictures of Jensen as he was arriving on stage.
But again, poor ventilation, poor lighting, poor seating, poor audio,
dazedizzy and I didn't stay for the whole talk; we left to catch a train because were to ex-a-hausted!
Yes I know, that meant we missed all the guests on stage but I'm quite content with the pictures people got - better than if I'd been there in person; the atmosphere was really nothing to shout about.
Oh and one more picture - when Alan was done signing, I ambused him for another picture -
And that, I do believe, is it for the weekend. Anything else I'll add as a PS in future journal updates! Thanks for the patience o devoted ones, haha.