Con con conned

May 15, 2007 14:21

So it's taken me a whole day to get this up about the weekend, really, you'd have thought with the hugeness that was this weekend, I'd have been doing it blow by blow but, I forsook (it's a word now) fangirl squealness for the health of my back muscles.

However, here they are at last, those crap pictures I said was delaying my update. I have to say, in semi continuation of my earlier post, I'm more excited now, having seen all the videos and audios floating around LJ, than I was when I was there. I really don't why but I don't have the energy to ponder on it now. So, here goes the boring narrative for those who wanted the detailed breakdown of what happened, and some crap but pretty pictures to break up the monotony.

Well actually, arriving in Coventry was a nightmare for me but let's get to the good stuff, right?

Oh oh wait, I'm doing this in a chronological order because it's easier to follow so, when dazedizzy and I first got into the Leofric, we were like, right, signs say the Convention is upstairs. So, being the world's laziest asses, we head straight for the elevator to take us up to the first floor (second floor for all Americans reading this) and I'm about to step into the thing when I see Izzy pounce on some poor unsuspecting girl and I'm thinking, "oh crap, she hasn't even met Jensen yet and the mania has already set in," but turns out, it was jxisxthexnuts (mrsackles)! And turned around some more and there were all the Nuns! It was quite weird, seeing faces and being able to put them to screen names on NWP. I tell ya, meeting online people offline, is a strange experience initially!

So, the Convention pretty much kicked off with Jensen's 9.30am photoshoot on the Saturday. I know! 9.30am?? Who looks good then?? I mean, it was good post fact because obviously, your make up hasn't had time to make it halfway down your face yet so, you still look remotely presentable next to the yum of flesh that is Jensen. All those people saying he's better looking in real life? SO true. It's really bizarre in that, HOW is it possible?? He looks SO good in print and on camera it's like, dude, will you go buy some flaws already?? And here's my picture with le Jensen from the Saturday. I haven't had access to a scanner yet so I just took a picture of it.

I wasn't actually nervous about going in; I was just like, "there's a really really, super, ultra hot man in there but, yeaaaaah, I'm cool, I'm so cool I'll be fine." So then I went in and I was like, well, I've never been starstruck before but I guess I must have been because the cool thing last all of about the five seconds it took me to take the two steps over to him and say, "Hi, how's it going?" but I didn't even wait for a reply before completely dropping my gaze and like, pretty much staring at his torso. I don't know WHAT came over me but I was like, eeeeeek! And then molested him, LOL! I think I thanked him after but again, don't think I looked at him properly - some kind of Medusa fear that if I met his gaze, I'd turn to stone from sheer mesmerisedness. Some people were like, he smells so good! But I think I must have broken the minute I went near him because my brain is like a fuzzy blur within his perimeter. Sigh. Stupid fangirlness.

So after he was done, Jensen was scheduled to head for the stage talk, but I gather it was at this point that the crazy fan leapt on him and he had to tackle her to the ground before she got thrown off, and out, by his security (seriously, if the girl had ANY sense, she would have seen the two enormous dudes (not relative to Britney style body guarding obviously) posse-ing him and NOT have done it; at what point do you win with those kind of weight ratios??).

But, we hadn't really had much guidance on what happens and how and being complete noobs that way, we wondered around instead of heading straight for the auditorium where Jensen was going to be talking. We just didn't realise; we had a timetable but we weren't aware of just how important it would be to us. Apparently other people did though, because while we were like, awesome, let's get autographs from Alona, Nicki and Brooke, other people were like, quick! Shotgun front seats for the stage talk! So here are autographs from the three -

We did wonder into the auditorium eventually, and somehow Jensen hadn't started, or even got up on stage yet, so we managed to get a few shots of him coming down for his talk. Chronologically, this doesn't sit right with the schedule since we did have to queue a bit for the autographs with Alona et al, but it was a crazy weekend so I'm probably remember things in the wrong order. Who cares as long as I get it all down though, right??

So, here is one of those coveted Jensen pictures. Warning, it IS crap compared to some of the papparrazi quality shots out there; I was pretty far away, and my camera wasn't exactly industry standard, plus there was the jostling with 600 other people wanting to jump on him. Sigh.

So there's Jensen headed for the stage. I got better ones from the Sunday so, read on!

We did stay for some of Jensen's talk, but, to be perfectly honest, I got kind of bored. When you're that far back, and are straining to hear what he's saying (because the audio in there was so sheiser), you lose interest. He's so far you can probably make out that he's Jensen Ackles but you're not nearly close enough to be willing to sit for an hour just to stare at him. Hmmm, that was a strangely worded sentence. What I mean is: if I'd have been closer, could see him clearly, I would have stared just to appreciate his beauty, even if I couldn't have heard him.

So then we left for my Alan Ritchson photoshoot. I have to be honest and say that I wasn't overly impressed with his physical appearance when I first saw him on Smallville as Aquaman. I thought he had a really goofy hair style and hair is important enough to me for me to go, "next!" but in person, the guy has such presence and charisma that you can't help but go, "yum!" and yummy he was. Being the youngest of the guys (25 I think) and arguably the least well known of the three, he had a really relaxed dress sense, and was really chilled out and laid back. Not saying that Jensen and Justin weren't, but Alan didn't make you feel like, "omg, I'm standing next to celebrity, I'm going to die," he made you feel really comfortable. He has the all American boy thing going to be honest and he has such a good body! He is built, and TALL! And he's just so approachable and friendly; I walked in and was like, "hey, how are you?" and he was like, "yeah, really good thanks!" in an equally excitable manner. He honestly made you feel like you were the only person in the room when he was talking to you - and that wasn't because he was famous.

Again according to the schedule, the next thing was lunch. dazedizzy and I had spotted a Nandos earlier not too far from the hotel (Nandos is like, a chicken place basically - REALLY good food!) so we went there.

Back to the Convention and we had got raffle tickets for the coffee lounge with Nicki and Brooke. Originally they had said they would be auctioning off tickets (I was personally prepared to go £500 ($1100 I think) for the Jensen Ackles coffee lounge (but having seen some of the prices they went up to for the signed items in the auction later, I'm sure this would have been a laughable amoung since some people apparently paid £400 (£900?) for a picture of all the guests, signed by all of them). But they changed to a WAY fairer system on the day; everyone went and got one raffle ticket and they'd choose them randomly, and if you got picked, THEN you went and paid (£30 for Jensen, £20 for everyone else).

Surprisingly (sarcasm) enough, Nicki and Brooke didn't have that many people take raffles so Izzy and I got straight in. Before we go into that though, OMG! At that point in time, like I'd said, I wasn't a huge fan of Alan, so it didn't really bother me (at the time), but he had had his own coffee lounge session earlier and NOBODY had gone! What does mean? If we'd have looked at the DAMN schedule and known of its importance earlier, we could have had a one on one session with the man! Subsequently, we felt really bad for him, but at the same time, he did have the misfortune of having his coffee lounge right when Jensen was on stage, so, it wasn't like it was a big shock to him, probably.

So anyway, Nicki and Brooke coffee lounge. I daresay nobody is really that interested in what they had to say; Brooke's main relevant anecdote was about the Jensen and Jared dressing up as women, which Jensen later went into as well on his stage talk, saying how they got bored, saw some dresses and it's apparently custom to freak the guest star (e.g., Brooke) out. They talked about auditions, and how, because Supernatural is such a special effects based show to an extent, when you're reading for a part, you're hiding behind a chair screaming and hollering for your life at something they'll add in later, and then you stand up and you're like, "ahem, right, so uh...I'll just go now!" because it is embarrassing to a degree.

And the leather jacket that defined Nicki as Meg...was tailor made for her but they wouldn't let her keep it! Some fans are taking this to mean they might bring Meg back but Nicki doesn't know whether this will actually happen. Nicki said she did try to just walk off with it, after her final scene, she was like,
"okay, guys, it was great working with you all, I'm just gonna head out now..."
"Can we have the jacket back please,"
so it wasn't for lack of trying, LOL!

I don't know if anyone of you keener fans noticed, but the place they shot Asylum, (was in fact once a real mental hospital) was also where Nicki shot some of her DA scenes. As far as I can remember, she was only in the Manticore episodes, so Manticore = Asylum mental institute!

Somebody asked Nicki about her constantly getting cast as the evil killer, and she talked about how she was always either killing or being killed and said something like, "yeah, I should probably see a therapist about that!" But she says filming those scenes is pretty much almost exactly like us sitting there talking to her; she's just hanging out with her co-stars and chatting and stuff and it just so happens their conversations end with her slitting their throat! AND, Nicki confessed to a fetish for the British, especially British men, specifically...HUGH GRANT. She said she'd jump at the chance to work with him and she'd jump ON him too, LOL.

The actresses there all seemed to have a thing for Natalie Portman. Brooke said she would love to work with her (or maybe be her), Nicki agreed, and then Alona Tal brought it up at her stage talk too. Do they know something we don't??

Here's a shot of Nicki and Brooke at the wrap of the coffee lounge: sorry about the quality, I think my camera got overwhelmed by the double hotness.

What really struck me about Nicki was just how tiny she was in real life! I mean, yes, we all know people come up different proportions in real life versus on screen but Nicki is like a whole other person! For a start, she is really pretty (not that she was ugly as Meg, but that whole bowl cut thing...not a fan!), she has some root issues but like, who cares. You just don't want to squish her for fear of breaking her! She's not unhealthily skinny but she really is built on a miniscule frame - you'll see from my photo studio with her later; I'm like a giant (mostly width wise but height perception wise too) and I'm all of 5'2!! And she is so chilled; I obviously don't know what actresses are like in the company of people they don't know, I often think they feel they have a need to project a certain image, but both Nicki and Brooke were totally comfortable just hanging out. You think you know sinking into a chair but you don't know it til you've met Nicki Aycox. She just kept sliding down her chair she was so comfortable! I was like, "dude! You're gonna be on the floor any second now!"

Nicki did also talk about "Perfect Stranger", the movie with Bruce Willis and Halle Berry. She said that she wasn't star struck on set, that Halle Berry was really friendly and supportive (whereas a lot of actors of that calibre can be standoffish and unhelpful), and talked to her whilst filming etc, but that when she got home, she just cried, haha, I guess from the sheer overwhelming experience of having acted alongside an Oscar winner and Bruce Willis, who needs no justifying. Although, she did say that, Bruce Willis has this thing where he has control of his female co-stars; apparently he was like, "no, you can't cast this girl, I haven't met her, I don't know who she is." So the producers and what have you were like, "well, you gotta meet him or you can't have this part" so obviously Nicki was like, "well, I want this part!" but was shooting Supernatural at the same time. She ended up flying to New York just so Bruce could be like, "hey, how's it going, yeah, you can have the part, bye!" Okay, so maybe he wasn't quite that short, but you get the point - that Nicki had to fly from Vancouver to New York for the briefest (and most useless) of visits to land that part.

They both talked about how, despite there being roles they look back on and go, "oh man, WHY did I ever touch that script with a barge pole," sometimes, their job is just a job that pays bills, puts food on the table and a roof over their heads, so their considerations usually come down to: do I need to eat so much that I'm willing to have this character on film forever?

Nicki really struck me as an intelligent, director's actress. She went to film school and has a couple shorts under her directing belt and seems a lot less like the others in terms of, really understanding the behind the scenes of her acting. She's not just a character, she gets how the whole machine is greased. I mean, obviously Allison Mack has something similiar what with being in the business so long, but there's a difference to experience, and genuine affinity with filming etc. However she did also say that, as Meg, she developed a connection with each set location, so when they reused some sets for different scenes, it did get confusing for some parts, because it was like, "huh, but, I was somebody else here, now I'm this person, what's going on??" so yeah, Nicki is a really involved actor.

I can't remember what she said about what she's doing next, but Brooke did say she's filming some sci fi flick in Bulgaria about giant insects...

After that I had my Nicki photoshoot; I felt like such a stalker! I'd just spent an hour talking to her and here I was again! I was like, "I'm so sorry, it's me again!" and she was so nice, she laughed and was like, "no no! Don't worry about it, come pose with me!" and grabbed me. It was so fun; here's the picture (of me towering and being giant-y)

See, she's just chilled and goofy, love it.

And I think that about wraps it up for Saturday, because all the Nuns met up for dinner at Old Orleans at like 7.30pm, but we didn't order and get our food til like, 8pm. The disco started then but all we knew was that Jason Manns would be performing but I wasn't a fan so I had never planned to go to the disco. However, when we eventually rocked up, we thought they were still setting up, but apparently, Jason was just clearing up, and then we ran into Val, who said Jason performed and Jensen had joined him for a song. Cue devastation. There was much drama to follow inter-Nun but, whatever; I had never expected to go, so I couldn't expect to hope not to be disappointed at having missed him. Oh well. You live and let live.

Crikey that was long; hope I've still got you all there with me. More pictures and tales for the Sunday.

Oh no, wait and one more thing! Nicki wasn't wearing ANY make up! We were shocked/surprised at first because, who makes it in Hollywood and wonders around without at least the tiniest bit of mascara, right? But then we were like "wow, she's pretty freaking brave" and makes her a really good role model y'know, that she doesn't conform to Hollywood etiquette (which isn't necessarily good) and she doesn't subscribe to the beautification which every other actress feels obliged to adhere by. Go Nicki Aycox!

autographs, celebrities, smallville, brooke nevin, photoes, supernatural, nicki aycox, alan ritchson, jensen ackles, nwp, alona tal, asylum convention

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