Jun 01, 2005 08:24
[08:15] Seldwin: the mucus that protects the stomach is gone for whatever reason, so the acid makes direct contact. that irritates tummy,. causes swelling and tenderness
[08:15] Maduin15: gah
[08:17] Maduin15: mmmmmm - dead brandon stomach flakes
[08:17] Maduin15: ewwww
[08:17] Seldwin: thanks jerk
[08:17] Maduin15: how was the e.r.?
[08:17] Seldwin: boring as hell
[08:17] Seldwin: well it wasn't too bad
[08:18] Maduin15: wasn't like the tv show like everyone thinks? lol
[08:18] Seldwin: waited for maybe 25-30 minutes
[08:18] Seldwin: no it wasn't like TV
[08:18] Seldwin: at all
[08:18] Seldwin: it was a quite waiting room
[08:18] Seldwin: it's not like the surgical emergency ER
[08:18] Seldwin: this was the "ow...i kinda hurt a little...could you look at it please?" ER
[08:18] Maduin15: lol
[08:18] Maduin15: i know it sucks
[08:19] Seldwin: when i die
[08:19] Seldwin: i'm going to get cremated
[08:19] Seldwin: then mixed with your milk
[08:19] Seldwin: you'll think your having chocolate milk
[08:19] Maduin15: mmm south park
[08:19] Seldwin: but it's really me
[08:19] Seldwin: yarr
[08:19] Maduin15: lol
[08:19] Seldwin: then once you drink it
[08:19] Maduin15: that was awesome
[08:19] Seldwin: you'll be like, "oh crap i just drank milk!"
[08:19] Seldwin: and then you'll die
[08:19] Seldwin: but we will be one when you die
[08:20] Maduin15: mmm milk, and dead brandon!
I am a pretty sick puppy. But I love Brandon so it's okay.