Jan 05, 2005 18:58
First off: Stop.
Everyone just needs to stop. I do not care if people drink or smoke or do drugs. Almost all of my friends do and I'm okay with that BECAUSE I have given up on all of you. Yes thats right.. the human race. Now that thats out in the open.
Don't talk to everyone about how much you drink. Don't brag.. and then after you shamelessly brag.. don't be astonished when EVERYONE KNOWS. We go to a Highschool that has at MOST 500 students. Do not be surprised that "news" as it were.. travels. Girls are dumb. Girls talk. Boys are assholes. Boys brag. There.
So now everyone knows your a pothead.. or a drunk. Everyone who knows.. does not think your cool. The other kids who drink think they drink more than you (hence.. they must be cooler) and the kids who don't drink.. just think your a moron and a mistake in the human race.. or whats left of it. You are not cool because you can swallow a liquid that your body is not made to process. Likewise you are not cool if you can breathe in smoke because (Drumroll) it will kill you. You are not more creative, nor intelligent, nor anything. you are nothing out of the ordinary. you are not beautiful. You are not special, you are not neat, nor an individual, nor original, not anything. Nothing you do matters and nobody will ever care that you drank more than your boyfriend one night and then had sex. Woopdy Damn Doo. STOP BRAGGING.
So now that we've established that you aren't cool. Don't get mad at me for writing this. You bragged. I am not mad that you drink. People are going to drink. I'm mad that you had the audacity to talk to me about it in a way that said "I am so cool, I can drink so much, I can drink, more than you!" (for those of you who are curious.. that is an Anti-Flag song) I don't care. I don't want to hear it. I'm probably more intelligent than you anyway because you are stupid and I hate stupid people.