The First Letter of your Name:A. One compliment:You're oh so cute&pretty. Lyrics to a song:Well here I am. I don't know how to say this. The only thing I know is awkward silence. Your eyelids close when you're around me, to shut me out. How old you are:Fifteen, yo. How long we've been friends:Uhh, not sure. && a hint to who you are:I'm ghettooooo.
DID I FORGET TO MAKE MINE ANONYMOUS? Or is it just showing my user-name because it's me looking at it?... If I forgot to make it anonymous, that's funny.
One compliment:You're oh so cute&pretty.
Lyrics to a song:Well here I am. I don't know how to say this. The only thing I know is awkward silence. Your eyelids close when you're around me, to shut me out.
How old you are:Fifteen, yo.
How long we've been friends:Uhh, not sure.
&& a hint to who you are:I'm ghettooooo.
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