long time no post

May 22, 2009 18:43

Uh, yeah. So I haven't posted in like 10 years. Fixin' that now. >_>

I'm on summer vacation now wooooooooooot. Yesterday was my last day. And next year I'll be a senior oh jeez. Everybody's tellin' me to get started on scholarship stuff early, which I'll do. I'm worried about the whole college thing, though. I'm mostly afraid that I won't have enough money to go to KCAI, or even get accepted in the first place. I gotta get started on my portfolio, but I don't have anything good enough to put in it yet. Hell, I don't even know what I'm SUPPOSED to put in it.

I'd like to just forget about all this school stuff and enjoy my vacation, but this summer's gonna suuuuuuuuck, because Merriam's not going to be here. Ugh. Well at least I will (hopefully) be able to spend some more time with my biological mom. She's so awesome; I want to get to know her better.

I haven't done anything productive today. Even though I had chores to do and stuff to scan in. My dad's gonna be mad at me, but that's ok. I'll do it later, I'm a procrastinator! Hehe, it rhymes.

What I did do today was watch a movie called Shutter. I saw previews for it last year and I suddenly up and decided to watch it on the webbernet. Turns out it was yet another Hollywood remake of an Asian horror film. Big surprise, I know. So I watched the original Thai version first and then the remake. The remake had some good things going for it, but the original was by far the better of the two. The movie was about a guy who, when he was in college, dated a weird girl who nobody liked because he felt sorry for her. She was insanely, obsessively in love with him, but he never really fell in love with her so after a while he broke off their relationship. But she wouldn't let it go and pretty much stalked him, and so his friends drugged and raped her and took pictures of it so if she didn't leave him alone, they could use them against her. She eventually killed herself over it, and the guy moves on and tries to forget about it. A few years later he gets married and becomes a photographer. But he notices in all the pictures he takes the girl's ghost/spirt/thing is in them. And she tries to kill him and he and his wife have to find a way to stop her and you get the idea. The main reason the original one was better (and scarier) was the difference in cultures. Asian cultures are influenced by superstitions about the afterlife and spirits and stuff like that, and that affects the movies they make. All you ever see in American horror films is gore and boobs and guys with chainsaws, and I don't find that nearly as frightening as the simpler, more subtle and realistic horror in Asian movies. And when Hollywood decides to remake Asian horror movies, they spend more money on CGI and sex scenes and completely cut out all the little things that really get to you in the original version.

.....sorry, I kinda rambled a bit on that. But now I'm just gonna shut up and eat some mozzarella sticks.

ramble ramble ramble, college worries

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