I've been going to my Friends Page again every day for the past... eh, week? So, I figured I may as well post.
I've been doing NaNoWriMo! After a very slow start (1,674 words in eight days), in the past two or three days, I've done at least 40 minutes or so of writing a day.
6,773 / 50,000
Last year, by the 25th (the last time my "nano.txt" file was updated), I only had 4,000-something words. This year, I have 2,000 more than that, over two weeks sooner.
In short: "Woah". I know I'm not doing nearly as well as some people (and, you know what? Many people are doing an awesome job! Go you! Go! Keep up the NaNo'ing! No matter how little or much you have, you can make it! Yay!)
I'm going back to bed (I got up to write, mostly).
Have a good day! :D