They are the brilliant ones who speak and write with silver luck...

Aug 07, 2008 01:39

I know I haven't done this in a while, and I've kind of messed up in the past with this whole media player thing, but I made sure I knew how to do it right this time. This band kind of deserves that effort =P

About 3ish years ago, I saw the Hush Sound open for Fall Out Boy in the Black Clouds and Underdogs tour. After seeing them again today, I'm pretty sure FOB should be opening for the Hush Sound.

What I really liked about them wasn't so much the music ((which, by the way, is AMAZING. go check out their myspace or something...)) as much as it was just...everything. They're one of those bands that, despite being well known, haven't compromised who they are and the music they want to make just for the sake of pleasing everyone. They're doing what they love, and it totally shows through the growth and progression of their music, and it's even better because it's not like their music has suffered from it--if anything, it's just as good if not better than stuff they've done before, and that's saying something when you look at half the other bands out there now.

What's even better is the way they really do care about their fans, and it shows in the littlest things. Being pleasantly surprised when we start clapping on our own. Actually stopping by to say "Hi" to fans after a show. Being unable to say "No" to a near-stampeding heard of adoring fans who just watched your show. Actually stopping to have a conversation with people who come up to you for pictures and autographs. Being nice enough to go around the counter so you can actually stand next to the person you're taking pictures with.

Anyway...I think I've rambled enough about that...haha. Long story short: the Hush Sound is an awesome beyond awesome band people should be checking out if they haven't already. They're good. Trust me.

I've also kind of been slacking in the whole "secrets" thing I was inspired to start, which sucks because that actually turned out to be a good way to get things off my chest haha. I'd catch up now, but I figure it's Thursday, which is pretty close to Sunday, so I'll make up for it then with more than 10 things to say...'s a plan that works in my head =P.

As for the rest of my's moving forward haha. I've come to accept the fact that no matter how much I might want to go back, there's nothing I'd really change, so instead of looking over my shoulder, I should look forward to everything. Besides...looking forward is how we make sure we don't stumble or run into things, right? Right...

Though, I am somewhat of a klutz, regardless of which direction I'm facing...

rambling, music, sunday secrets, the hush sound

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