How can I stand here with You and not be moved by You?

May 18, 2008 15:14

I know I've started posting songs to go along with my blogs, but since it was a video that inspired this one, I feel that the video is what I should share.

I don't think you have to watch it to understand what I'm blogging about, but if you're in the mood to be moved, check it out.

image Click to view

It's hard to believe that so much truth could be contained in just five and a half minutes, but watching that video really made me realize how well it applies to not only my life, but everyone else's life whether they'd like to admit it or not.

Religion is such a hard topic to discuss without someone getting offended. First, you've got people who believe in something, and then you've got people who don't believe in anything at all. You can further break down the believers into people who are more spiritual than religious, and then break down the religious group into one of the countless religions out there. With so many roads to take, someone's bound to think that their road is better than someone else's and try to make the other person see things their way. It's hard, and it's natural. We all want people to see the same light we do.

That said, I'm not posting to try and convert anyone. I won't even say what religion I affiliate myself with, and I'd like to point out that seeing the truth in that video doesn't mean I'm Christian.

I will, proudly, say however, that I believe in God.

I can't say if that's because of the way that I've been brought up, and I'm not going to try and convince people that He really does exist because that's a truth we'll all learn one day. But I know I can speak for myself when I say that I can sense His presence in my life everyday.

He's there when I wake up. He's there when I'm around the people I love, and He's there when I'm by myself. He's there when I laugh and when I cry. He's there when I'm frustrated, when I'm angry and depressed and when I'm filled with so much joy I have no idea where I could ever fit any more happiness, but He's there to shine more into my life. He's there when I'm stuck making the hardest decisions I'll ever have to make. He's there when I'm at my lowest lows, offering silent strength to help me move on. And He's there when I ready myself to sleep, preparing for another day.

I strongly believe that my life is what it is because of my belief in God.

That's not to say that I believe He's got my whole life planned out for me, nor is it saying that He has absolutely no control over actions that are entirely my own. But growing up, my religion has been an undeniable cornerstone in my life, and while I don't agree with everything it has taught me, it has given me strength, hope and more importantly the ability to have faith; faith in God, faith that everything will turn out okay, and faith to live on to see what miracles I can witness in the coming days.

Which brings me to something I remember hearing in church one day: It is not "to see is to believe." To believe is to see.

How beautiful is that? In a world where everyone demands physical proof before making a decision or whatever, here's a little sentiment that is so simple, yet makes so much sense.

The argument so many people use against God is that no one has ever seen Him; how can you believe in something you don't see? But what I heard that day raised a really good question: how can you expect to see something you've already convinced yourself doesn't exist?

There are, of course, cases to disprove either statement, but those are ideas for another blog. However, those ideas play a big part in the progression of that video.

As we go through life, it's easy to turn away from God (or whatever you believe in) and give in to everything around you. After all, God isn't physically here, but all those temptations are often right in front of your face, and it's not hard to turn your back on a spiritual presence in favor of instant gratification; it's easy to listen to all those people who seem to have proof that God doesn't really exist.

I've had my doubts, and I've asked my questions. What it really comes down to, for me, is faith. I might not talk to Him directly, but when I'm feeling down and someone's there to cheer me up, I hear His words coming from their lips (or AIM box I guess =P). I see His work in everything we learn about in school, from the people we learn about in History to the way the world works in Oceanography and Biology. I feel His love when I think about all the people I'm so blessed to know in my life.

You can argue all you want. I know what I believe in, and I know what it's done for me in my life. I might stray, and I might wander, but I always come back, and He's always forgiving.

I'll try and work hard to make sure there's not much to forgive =P.

I also think I'll make it a habit to take a friend's advice and count my blessings more often. Maybe remembering reasons to smile will keep away the rain clouds? At least it will for now =)

religion, lifehouse, video

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