Truth be told, I'm lying...

Apr 13, 2010 23:40

 I was so excited for tonight's Glee comeback :(

I loved most of it, I really did.  And then near the end I just wanted to punch certain characters in the face, or in other places that would be very, very painful.  It was bad enough to put a damper on my pretty good day, so EFF YOU, GLEE.


School has been epic since I figured out that I could be done in the fall.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this will be a reality :) We'll see though, I think.  My classes this quarter are pretty kickass, and my schedule is even better; I'm in class for just a couple hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and that's it :)

One class I decided to take, one, because I still need it, and two, because I had the professor last quarter, and she was an interesting person, so I figured at least I wouldn't be bored.  I was never more right about anything in my life.

Today in class, we were moving desks around because it's an incredibly small classroom and there are too many desks for us to actually get into the circle that she wants.  I stood up to help move crap around, and my professor saw my shirt and almost yelled, "OH MY GOD, WHERE'D YOU GET THAT?!" So I proceeded to actually try and figure it out but before I could, she follows up with, "You actually identify as a Slytherin? Why?" So a small discussion on HP followed, in which someone asked me if that was a snake on my wrist, and my professor got kind of excited when she remembered my tattoo (from last quarter, when she announced then that I was a geek :P).  I'm officially the nerdiest person in that class, I guess :D

It was actually pretty funny.  I told her that I'm proud to be a Slytherin, and that I'm actually a Slythendor, since I'm a bit of both, and she seemed to accept that.  She also decided to ask all of us which of the seven Disney dwarves we felt like today during roll call, and when I said Happy, she responded with, "Wow, you are! Even with that shirt!" LOLs ensued.

My favorite part though, was when I said something somewhat profound and here's the conversation that followed:

Me: And that was coming from a Slytherin...
Professor: Yes! Five points to Slytherin!

It was probably the awesomest day of my life :)

I've been having a lot of pretty awesome days lately, and I'm pretty glad for that :) I'm kind of walking the line between glossing over the issues I still need to work on and letting them work themselves out, which is probably really dangerous, but I'm enjoying myself, and making memories to hold me over when shit does hit the fan.

I might also start blogging more, since I've taken a bit of a break from Twitter.  Justin Bieber as a constant trending topic makes me a bit sad about the state of the world, so I've moved on to bigger and better things...sort of :P For long blogs, at least, I'll always come back here, and that makes me pretty glad too.

school, harry potter, tv, glee, life, twitter, nerdiness, ranting

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